Bodging the power cable on the XL-H1 at
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Canon XL H Series HDV Camcorders
Canon XL H1S (with SDI), Canon XL H1A (without SDI). Also XL H1.

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Old August 19th, 2008, 06:50 AM   #1
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Bodging the power cable on the XL-H1


I have managed to end up with a spare mains power lead for my H1 - the one that goes from the charger to the battery plate on the camera.

Does anyone know if I'd be fine cutting off the charger-end connector and replacing it with a 4 pin XLR and therefore being able to power the camera from standard professional camera PSUs?

I have the V-mount plate which has a canon battery plate as its power "output" connector so I assume it's just a case of giving +12V to one connector, 0V to the other.

Your help and experience appreciated!

Ed Moore
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Old August 20th, 2008, 08:39 AM   #2
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Atlanta GA
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I think you could totally do that, but I think you'd run the very real risk of frying the camera. I'm pretty sure the batteries are 7.2v so if you hook a 12v up to it I think that maybe you will blow a fuse or perhaps burn out the whole board. But mayeb everything would work fine, however I would be very careful about it.
I have a dream that one day canon will release a 35mm ef to xl adapter and I'll have iris control and a 35mm dof of all my ef lenses, and it will be awesome...
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Old August 21st, 2008, 07:16 AM   #3
Join Date: Jan 2006
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You definitely would fry the camera. You have to drop the voltage down to the proper range. Depending on your electronic skills this is not so hard to do but it doesn't sound like you have them already.
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