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Canon XL H Series HDV Camcorders
Canon XL H1S (with SDI), Canon XL H1A (without SDI). Also XL H1.

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Old January 13th, 2008, 10:47 PM   #1
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Help! (again)

Wow so ok I was filming a stable shot of the clouds moving over the mountains and I was having a problem because the lighting feature on the camera kept switching from "indoor" lighting to "outdoor" and it was not set on Automatic. The dial was set on outdoor the whole time, yet the camera would still randomly switch from the outdoor setting to the indoor. This is a huge problem because I was trying to get about thirty minutes of straight footage of the sunset. Obviously, when the camera randomly chooses to switch up on me, the footage is basically ruined. I'm guessing that maybe I didn't fully override the automatic setting with this feature, but I don't know why switching it off auto wouldn't do that. It was like the camera had a mind of it's own!!!

Anyway, thanks again guys. Hopefully soon I'll figure all this out.
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Old January 13th, 2008, 11:58 PM   #2
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
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Hi Anthony. I'm a total newbie to the H1 as well, but I've been doing a great deal of testing, evaluation and experimentation with camera presets, etc. It sounds to me like your camera is still in some form of automatic operation. Set the big ring on the left hand side of the camera to "M," then set the white ballance to the Sun position. Adjust your Gain setting to -3 or 0, but switch it off of the A setting. Engage the Neutral Density ND on the lens to 1/3rd. Now manually play with your aperature settings and shutter settings. If you have a small portable monitor, then bring it along to evaluate exposure and color ballance, but this may well not be practical for your location shoot in the mountains.

Last edited by Mark Job; January 14th, 2008 at 12:01 AM. Reason: For purposes of clarity
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Old January 16th, 2008, 10:51 AM   #3
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Location: Vittsjö, SKÅNE, SWEDEN
Posts: 266
Hi Anthony,

Which setting on the big power switch do you use? I never use the "green frame" nor the "A" setting so I'm not sure what they do but I guess they are "thinking" and trying to catch the best setting which a computer cannot do. Go Manual, thats better in most cases. /Johan
Johan Forssblad is offline   Reply

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