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Canon XL H Series HDV Camcorders
Canon XL H1S (with SDI), Canon XL H1A (without SDI). Also XL H1.

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Old December 20th, 2007, 04:44 AM   #16
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A 1/4" jack for headphones...
Sorry if repeated - I did have a quick squint - maybe I squinted too tight....
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Old December 20th, 2007, 08:25 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by Chris Hurd View Post
Just saying, it's okay to dream big but I'm willing to bet that they stick with third-inch in order to keep the XL line
I am also inclined to believe this as well as a top priority (with good reason for Canon would be to have all their XL accessories compatible.

But I'm sure that with the Sony making the move to 1/2" chips in a camera that costs less will make them have to respond in a similar (if not better) fashion sooner or later. Just like anything else, technology keeps getting better and better, and they will have to adopt to stay competitive. I'm sure if Panasonic reponds with a 1/2" camcorder, Canon be forced to find a way to make 1/2" chips work with their current line.

Interesting what competition can do ...
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Old December 20th, 2007, 11:28 AM   #18
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OK chris fair enough, maybe they'll switch to a half inch but if you try to put a legacy lens on it'll say 1/2" incompatible lens" ;)

I do like the idea for a 1/4 inch jack though and I think if they went to something similar to a p2 card like expresscard 34 which would be the same only faster smaller and better... they wouldn't begin to tread in panasonics turf.
I have a dream that one day canon will release a 35mm ef to xl adapter and I'll have iris control and a 35mm dof of all my ef lenses, and it will be awesome...
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Old December 20th, 2007, 11:41 AM   #19
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What about half-inch body with a standard (not XL) mount to interface with the lenses Canon Broadcast is making for JVC Pro HD and Sony XDCAM? At this point it's no longer XL, but would you still be interested?

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Old December 20th, 2007, 11:46 AM   #20
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Personally, I think that would be cool, Chris. In fact, it would be great because a standard 1/2 mount would allow for a lot more lens options, AFAIK.
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Old December 20th, 2007, 01:02 PM   #21
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That would be a nice idea Chris, but I think that plus an optional (or given with the body, why not?) XL to standard adapter to fit XL mount lenses could still be workable at that point!

That way, XL users that don't want to part with their lens and only want a new cam body (I think that was one of the main reason why the XL mount was created) could still fit their older lenses (with the kind of menu resolution-switching I was talking about earlier). And those who could afford (or already own) standaard broadcast-type lenses would also be happy since they could fit their toys on a lighter cam body!

Looks like a win-win situation for me if CMOS size becomes the next 3B (Battle Between Brands)!

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Old December 20th, 2007, 02:08 PM   #22
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Would be nice to keep the XL size as a possible 1/2 or 2/3 "XXL" version as the XL size,
and to that a possible XXL style 20x lens with OIS and AF as standard,
and the option to the regular HD/ ENG lenses.

Canon needs maybe to keep up with the competition with their "flagship" camcorder and move towards
the 1/2 club that will come...It feels the 1/3 HDV was before the HD really take/ took off.
So maybe we se an Canon "XXL" version as their flagship with 1/2 and the XHG/A2 will deal with the 1/3.
Everything will be bigger.

It´s a very interesting time now, and take for example the RED that have really
put everything upside down and put serious pressure on the competition
and jump many years a head even for Arri and Panavision.

Last edited by Carl Ny; December 20th, 2007 at 03:47 PM.
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Old December 20th, 2007, 05:47 PM   #23
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How about they discontinue the XL line altogether and start a new XZ line?

Basically a 1/2" CCD or CMOS Progressive camera with a 35mm relay/adapter system built "in the body" with either a PL mount (or a brand new Canon series of 35mm style lenses and a new XZ mount).

It would record AVC Intra full raster 1080P to memory cards, plus full spec HD-SDI output.

It would offer a newer body style (no more chain-saw body). Aesthetically, however, it can still offer notable Canon touches like the famed rotatory switch, XLR rear inputs, and black and red cosmetic touches.

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Old December 20th, 2007, 07:11 PM   #24
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Now THAT is an AWESOME.... dream!

If only that would happen....
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Last edited by Dale Stoltzfus; December 20th, 2007 at 07:43 PM.
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Old December 20th, 2007, 07:50 PM   #25
Starway Pictures
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Originally Posted by Dale Stoltzfus View Post

Now THAT is an AWESOME.... dream!

If only that would happen....
LOL! Yup. And it would probably retail for $12,999 and the lenses would be introduced 12 months after that.

Still, I love my Canon cameras. They make great products. Just last to market.
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Old December 20th, 2007, 09:13 PM   #26
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I also would like to see Canon offer 1/2" chips in their flagship camera. Back in 1991 I bought my first camera, the Canon L1 in Hi8 and if I remember correctly it had a single 1/2" chip which was great for low light. I used this camera for 6 years in my spare time to shoot my first film Encountering Wildlife in the Canadian Rockies, thus my wildlife video business has taken off from there.

I hope Canon will also move the tape eject switch or put a cover over it as from time to time my gloved hand bumps it and ejects the tape when I'm setting up for a shot.

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Old December 20th, 2007, 10:00 PM   #27
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I truly like many of the "wish list" ideas that have been posted in this thread.

But I guess I'll go out on a limb. I realize I might get "castrated" for what I'm about to suggest...but here goes...

Take many of the suggestions and put them into a camera body or bodies that would do the following:

A larger version of a new Canon HD camera that is similar to the XDcam...large format. Large camera, big buttons...big lenses...and truly a great usable camera for large scale productions.

THEN...also make a smaller version that compliments this camera. A "little brother". (ie Sony XDCAM EX). A great portable, small camera with all the complimenting features of the larger version. You can then decide which camera to use for what type of job.

I truly have to tell you that XDCAM in the large format and the EX are cameras we're strongly considering in the next year.

I have been a big fan of the H1...never liking any of the previous XL cameras from Canon. I would like to see them get away from the "unusual" and uncomfortable camera body design.

I'm willing to stay with Canon...we've made money with their camera, love how it looks and LOVE the cost. I hope they are smart enough to look at a great forum like this and try to take ideas from all of us who make a living with their technology and make good decisions.

Okay...now you can all begin shooting !!!! :)
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Old December 21st, 2007, 02:49 AM   #28
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Man I can't believe I'm going to say this but I think that canon probably shouldn't go the big camera route. I just don't see any market for it, It would probably be more expensive then the h1 and then you're getting into xdcam territory and it would involve a complete shift in design and a complete strategy shift. Canon has never really entered into the professional video cam world I can't imagine why they would want to at such a volatile time, especially given the current saturation of cams.

I would imagine a crossover camera that had a 35mm plane so that you could put all of your ef series lenses without introducing the 7.2x magnification. Basically combine an h1 with a 40d or something along those lines. There would be no need to introduce anymore xl series lenses (or ok, wait on anymore xl series lenses to be introduced) you could have it be a hybrid that would take high megapixel stills or hd video. I mean honestly there not that far away right now it's just getting past the concept of a shutter and recording the live viewfinder that's available on many of these cams now.

I don't however think canon will do any of this. If they would just introduce an 35mm ef adapter that has the same characteristics as the JVC 35mm adapter, that would be super awesome. If canon put it out (instead of someone like p+s) they could offer a firmware upgrade card with it, like they did with 6x which would allow you to flip the image everywhere, not just in the viewfinder. That's my wish/dream more then anything else that an xlh2 would offer. It doesn't seem like it would be that difficult either.

I guess you combine that with "true 24p" or whatever you want to call it, how about just the same chips as the hv-20 only 1/3 inch and you've got the only things I'd use to shoot movies for another 3 years. (of course then I'd build up a huge collection of canon glass that I'd have to get rid of when they offered whatever new mount that would offer...
I have a dream that one day canon will release a 35mm ef to xl adapter and I'll have iris control and a 35mm dof of all my ef lenses, and it will be awesome...
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Old December 21st, 2007, 03:14 AM   #29
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I second that motion:

It's about time someone made a camcorder or small shoulder-mount camera with BUILT IN 35mm adaptor and a standard 35mm SLR mount such as Nikon or Canon.
ALL of the problems of proper collimation and alignment would be eliminated by virtue of all of the optics from the 35mm ground glass through to the imaging sensor itself being PERMANENTLY and solidly mounted and calibrated by top-notch Canon or Panny or Sony factory robots.
Who knows, there might even be a small gain in f-stop performance compared to current third-party adaptors!
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Old December 21st, 2007, 08:01 AM   #30
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Yes, great idea!

They could even go with the APS (like the 40D) format if they do not want to compete directly with 35mm adapters.
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