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Canon XL H Series HDV Camcorders
Canon XL H1S (with SDI), Canon XL H1A (without SDI). Also XL H1.

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Old August 26th, 2007, 06:24 AM   #16
New Boot
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Location: Olive Branch, MS
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Originally Posted by Jon Bickford View Post
I don't really use the VF magnification as it really softens the picture in the VF which defeats it's own purpose.
Jon, the softened picture is only in the VF, not going to tape, correct? I didn't think you could use magnification while tape is rolling.

Do you use the LCD, as opposed to the view finder. I thought the LCD had the color, brightness issues.

Also, discuss "peaking". I've read about it, but I'm not sure I understand.

And finally, do you use zebras? I understand zebras can be set to 100% so you only see them when something is overexposed -- which is how I like to use zebras. Otherwise, they're distracting to me.

Oh, and congratulations on your film.
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Old August 26th, 2007, 08:13 AM   #17
Inner Circle
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Peaking, when on, provides a way to tell if your image is in focus.

Technically, it highlights (outlines) sharp edges in your image which occur when you are in focus. Out of focus, or soft-focus areas will not have sharp edges.

In order to visualize this, imagine you are viewing an image of some text. When peaking is on, and you are in focus, the text will be outlined in white. If you are not in focus, there will not be a white outline.

While all of this seems confusing, it actually works very well. The image will pop when you are in focus. In the above text example, the white outline will make the text appear 3D. It is easy to tell which parts of the image are in focus.

With the XL H1, peaking is either on or off.

When using the optional FU-1000 viewfinder, the peaking level is adjustable.

I find that the XL H1 peaking works well even though it is not adjustable.
Dan Keaton
Augusta Georgia
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Old August 26th, 2007, 04:33 PM   #18
New Boot
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XL H1 vs XH-G1:

The G1 allows output of 16:9 SD in a 4:3 letterbox frame. Does the H1 have this feature? Since I can't find anything about it in Canon's material, I assume it does not.
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Old August 26th, 2007, 04:37 PM   #19
Obstreperous Rex
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Answered in the second post to this thread:


But that's right, the XL H1 does not have that option.

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Old August 26th, 2007, 07:51 PM   #20
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the LCD and the viewfinder on the XL-H1 are the same screen, basically a small LCD with an eye piece that connects to it.

The VF magnification can't be used during recording but some find it useful for double checking focus prior to recording, i find that the image in the viewfinder is too soft when magnified to be of any use.

As for zebras, if you are in peaking mode they turn off but sometimes i'll switch peaking off for a second to double check the zebras at 100%. You can switch peaking on and off during recording without any adverse effects to the recording. I also tend to toggle through the EVF button to check audio, aperture etc while recording.

Generally though I run the camera with the VF peaking turned on and the TV safe lines and nothing else.
Jon Bickford, Trepany Films
San Pedro, CA
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