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Canon XL and GL Series DV Camcorders
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Old August 31st, 2007, 09:19 AM   #46
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That's my wish dream lens, let Canon introduce it. why don't you all people mail Chris Hurd to put pressure on Canon. See if there is huge demand for it they might consider.
I too hope for that Chris.

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Old August 31st, 2007, 09:45 AM   #47
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Ashok - I couldn't see Canon being bothered - if you are wanting such short focal lengths, your standard 20X tops out at 108mm, so if you purchased say a Canon EF-S 17-55mm F:2.8 IS USM Lens, via the EF adaptor that would equate to 130-420mm (in 1/3" chip format) - remember, stills lenses are a lot higher quality optic than the 20x.

I take it then that the EF 100-400mm stills lens (approx: 780-3100mm on an XL2) is too much magnification for you?


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Old August 31st, 2007, 02:36 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by Ashok Mansur View Post
...Per Johan plz say something about XL 100-400mm
Well, as Andrew says I don't think the marked will be high enough for Canon to produce such a lens.
Think about the costs of devolpment this would bring out, to a very narrow customer group.

I know Canon reps are reading this forum, so I think they got the idea already!
- Per Johan
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Old August 31st, 2007, 09:39 PM   #49
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Hi Ashok...

Can you just confirm something for me as I am a bit confused. What you are asking for is a 100 - 400 mm zoom with an XL mount and the internal electronics necessary to run with an XL camera built in? Just to enable use without an EF adapter?

Is this correct or am I just being obtuse? Has this been spurred by your spate of problems with the EF adapters (as yet unproved) or are there other issues coming into play here of which I'm unaware?

I don't really want to say more on the subject till I've got this right.

If you could explain this in detail I'd be most appreciative.


PS. Upon reflection, would it not be a good idea to start another thread for this specific subject so we can keep the EF adapter airwaves clear, and you can set up a poll/discussion elsewhere, specifically for what XL users want to see regarding new lenses etc for the XL series cameras? Don't think I can guaranteed it will have any effect, but you won't know till you try. If you got 300 bods to say they want what you want, hey, it might work.

PPS. If you asked Chris H nicely enough, he might even put it up there as a sticky (I said "might").

Last edited by Chris Soucy; August 31st, 2007 at 10:16 PM. Reason: Yet another Addition
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Old August 31st, 2007, 10:13 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by Ashok Mansur View Post
See if there is huge demand for it they might consider.
Ashok, in all honesty there's you and about twenty or thirty other guys who would love to have a lens like that. For a demand to be huge, it would have to be thousands of shooters. The costs of R&D, milling, design etc. pretty much prevent this kind of short-run specialized lens production from happening, at an affordable price anyway. It just isn't going to happen, my friend, not at this level anyway.

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Old August 31st, 2007, 10:14 PM   #51
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Originally Posted by Chris Soucy View Post
would it not be a good idea to start another thread for this specific subject... specifically for what XL users want to see regarding new lenses etc for the XL series cameras?
Yes a separate thread for that would be a very good idea.

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Old September 1st, 2007, 06:45 AM   #52
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Andrew, Chris S, Per Johan & Chris H........

Thanks for your opinion, I started the new thread & will stand by my wish lens. what to do, with two EF adapters experience I don't have the confideness to go in the wilderness.

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Old September 1st, 2007, 03:11 PM   #53
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Hi Ashok.......

Check out my post here:

Just for your information. Two heads might be better than one and a bit of moral support never goes amiss.

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Old September 1st, 2007, 06:05 PM   #54
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Lateral Thinking...........

takes one to some strange places.

Having trawled all viable records on DVinfo, and come up with nothing on this subject, a small corner of my mind has been worrying this for days.

The following is based on:

a. Canon reps do, indeed, read these posts.

b. An assumption: That Canon Inc. themselves keep a detailed record of faults and fixes, accessable by Canon staff, so as to keep from re - inventing the wheel. Seems logical to me, but hey.

Anyway, if anyone at Canon Inc. reads this, AND there is such a system AND a list of likely possibles can be found, why not give the bods @ Canon India the heads up, so that they don't have to re - invent the wheel themselves.This particular ball has been fumbled too many times already, the ongoing scenario isn't making anyone look good.

The shots seem to be getting longer but this just might be worth a try.

Still on the case.


Last edited by Chris Soucy; September 1st, 2007 at 06:33 PM. Reason: Tidying
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Old September 2nd, 2007, 05:07 AM   #55
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Originally Posted by Ashok Mansur View Post
.......... And continuous cranking sound comes in the lens.
Ashok Mansur
I've just been re-reading this thread from the very begining and came across this post by Ashok.

The only reason for any 'noise' comming from the lens is the AF motor(s) working - as I pointed out before, Canon tell the user in the adaptor manual to TURN OFF the lens AFfacility - EF lens/EOS body autofocus uses ultra sonic motors controled by seperate focus sensors (45 of them in the pro stills bodies) - the way the XL2 autofocuses is TOTALLY INCOMPATABLE with EF lenes.

Could this be the reason for Ashoks' problems afterall??
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Old September 2nd, 2007, 02:33 PM   #56
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Hi Andrew...........

Good thought. The only reason I don't (think) this is the problem is that both EF adaptors only went into this mode after some time (month(s)) after going into service.

Andrew, if you have a similar rig, can you check whether, if the AF is switched on and thus the motor kicks in, the camera registers a "Check Lens" warning, as seems to be the case with Ashok's rig?

If your rig does behaves this way, then it is concievable that Ashok has inadvertantly hit the AF switch, and this is all just "operator error".

What an anti - climax that would be!

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Old September 3rd, 2007, 01:54 AM   #57
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Originally Posted by Chris Soucy View Post
Good thought. The only reason I don't (think) this is the problem is that both EF adaptors only went into this mode after some time (month(s)) after going into service.

Andrew, if you have a similar rig, can you check whether, if the AF is switched on and thus the motor kicks in, the camera registers a "Check Lens" warning, as seems to be the case with Ashok's rig?

If your rig does behaves this way, then it is concievable that Ashok has inadvertantly hit the AF switch, and this is all just "operator error".

What an anti - climax that would be!

Chris - tried it with the 100-400mm IS USM - no warning!

The point I was trying to make is simply that if Ashok was hearing noises from the lens then the AF motor is all it could possibly be - the AF system in the lens must be attempting to power-up/activate - this should be impossible if the lens AF switch is set to OFF.

If I attach my standard x20 and turn the XL2 on I always get a couple of clicking sounds from the lens - I'm certain the AF on the video lens is screw operated - it's certainly slow enough to be! - and I assume the clicking sound is the screw drive trying to find it's end-stops or something.

If I attach any Nikon fit lens via my plain, non electronic Optex mount, I ALWAYS get a 'CHECK LENS' warning flashing in the EVF for 10 seconds, then it dissappears and everything works.
The CHECK warning would appear to activate when the body can not 'talk' to the lens.

I could see a possibility that leaving the EF lens AF switched on could cause a failiure over time - it could cause some sort of 'feed-back loop' scenario that eventually 'fries' something but it just frustrates me a bit that Ashok won't say EXACTLY what has happened, the circumstances leading up to the failure and how he set his rig up!
I have mentioned the AF switch in a couple of previous posts and he hasn't said yes or no to my question - so basically I'm only going on guess-work.

But if I had 2 examples of a piece of kit go wrong on me in exactly the same way I know I'd be suspecting myself as a possible cause of the problem (not that that would ever happen 'cos I'm perfect!! - biggrin biggrin!).
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Old September 3rd, 2007, 03:06 AM   #58
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Thanks Andrew.....

Well then I will begin the story one more time. Step by step.
1, Switch off the XL2,
2, swithch the focus button to Manual,
3, Attach the EF adapter to EOS,
4, attach the adapter (along with EOS) to XL2,
5, Switch on XL2,
6, Usually in manual mode I operate or AV mode.
Now after I bought 519/525, will switch off the IS too.
While removeing the lens, open the aperture fully & swithch of the XL2, remove EF adapter. attach XL 20X lens.
Initially with Ef adapter I didn't have any problem at all, sudenlly one fine day, After attaching EF adapter + EOS lens the warning comes in the EVF " CHECK LENS" I cann't control aperture setting, it's fixed. later only "LENS" words started to blink in the EVF. Humming noice started in the lens.

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Old September 3rd, 2007, 10:35 AM   #59
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Ashok - you originally mentioned a cranking sound, but if it's humming.....?

Does the noise sound a bit like a faint scraping sound that rises slightly in pitch and then ends with a click - if it is then thats not the AF it's the IS, that's the noise my 100-400 lens makes sometimes when I've mounted the 1.4x converter behind it on an EOS body in low light.

No EF lens IS type (there are currently 4 types I, II, III & IV) are compatible with the XL2, and only type III & IV should be used on a tripod. The IS on the lens you are using is type II, not for use on a tripod.

Canon don't specify NOT to use the IS on EF lenses fitted to the XL2 but they do say that the IS will work in a manner different to the way it was intended!

Using the IS at these big focal lengths is a bit of a waste of time Ashok, and it won't work properly anyway so if I was you I'd turn that off too.

Neither would I be using AE - manual everytime.

What's happened to you is very unfortunate indeed and I can understand your frustration, I suppose there is a remote possibility that both adaptors could be faulty, but I can imagine what Canon would be saying - it'll be your fault!

Just to reassure you, my EF adaptor has got about 250 hours on it and it functions fine, but as I said, I only use it to physically mount the lens and to control the aperture, nothing else, IS is always OFF & AE is never used.

All the best

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Old September 3rd, 2007, 11:41 PM   #60
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Hi guys..........

Not going to be able to add anything to this discussion at this point, as I think until Canon have been able to check this kit out, we're all stuck.

(When is that happening Ashok?)

However, I don't remember seeing a response to my original suggestion to dry all this gear out - did that get done Ashok? (Or did I miss that somewhere along the line?)

I am still firmly of the belief that this may well be the culprit, having been in that neck of the woods in "the wet". It's somewhat akin to standing in a 44 gallon drum of hot water, with the hot tap of a shower running on to your head, just for good measure (24 hours a day!).

Then at night, the temperature drops a few degrees and the RH leaps from 95% up to 100%, and even the walls of your hotel room start to sweat.

You can imagine the implications for camera and electronic gear.

Heaven help you if you walk into a flash 5 star hotel or similar with wall to wall air con with your nicely water vapour filled gear. Instant fog machine internally.

But, at the end of the day, we won't know till we know.

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