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Canon XL and GL Series DV Camcorders
Canon XL2 / XL1S / XL1 and GL2 / XM2 / GL1 / XM1.

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Old January 30th, 2006, 11:03 AM   #1
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BNC confustion...

ok . I'm confused and mildly fustrated.

on the XL2 we are al aware of the BNC connector obove the composite video out. is that output SDI compliant?
if I were to use the blackmagic declink card and with the bnc connected to the SDI input will it work as advertised (not that it has been advertised) or do I need to use the composite (analog) out.
what this all comes down to is aside from the decklink extreame (which is out of the budget realm) so I have the choice of the SP or the PRO and the connections differ.

I won't bring up the compressed, uncompressed issue again there is enough mystery to that one that we can all take to bed. (ok ok so that was a long way to go for a gary numan refrence)
Frank Moss
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Old January 30th, 2006, 11:15 AM   #2
Join Date: Oct 2003
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Originally Posted by Frank Moss
ok . I'm confused and mildly fustrated.

on the XL2 we are al aware of the BNC connector obove the composite video out. is that output SDI compliant?
if I were to use the blackmagic declink card and with the bnc connected to the SDI input will it work as advertised (not that it has been advertised) or do I need to use the composite (analog) out.
what this all comes down to is aside from the decklink extreame (which is out of the budget realm) so I have the choice of the SP or the PRO and the connections differ.

I won't bring up the compressed, uncompressed issue again there is enough mystery to that one that we can all take to bed. (ok ok so that was a long way to go for a gary numan refrence)
No, it is not SDI. It is composite just like the RCA plug. Just a more robust connection for long cable runs. To get maximum quality from an analog standpoint, you should strive for using the S-Video connection which keeps the chroma and luma signals separate.

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