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Canon XL and GL Series DV Camcorders
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Old February 12th, 2006, 08:12 PM   #16
New Boot
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 23
I've shopped online both sides of the border for yrs and almost always find a better deal in the U.S., even with the exchange/15% sales tax at customs/the gas & toll fees to drive down an hr and a half from Toronto to get it myself from the other side of the border.
When I saw how much extra the shoppers charge into Canada, I found a mailing outlet in the U.S., just over the border, to have everything I buy there shipped to. Retailers often give free shipping within the 48 states.
I pick things up, pop in to pay the PST/GST 15% at Canada customs, about 5-10 minutes. Make sure you take a printout of your purchase to show both sides to avoid holdups.
I've always found better deals there, even with the extra gas & toll hwy fees (to avoid the 401 traffic jams).
Warranty: I register with my U.S. mailing address & would send it back to the U.S. for repairs, but I've never needed to in 8 yrs. The odds of needing warranty are slim, but you need to be covered for items this pricey. ALso consider an extended warranty on top of the manufacturer's, eg Mack 4-5 yrs for a couple hundred, because the repairs on this could kill you.
Also, retailers don't charge sales tax shipping to other states, usually, so in my case, I try to avoid buying within NY state, which rules out great sellers like B&H, though I usually find as good or better deals elsewhere shopping around carefully, especially to avoid all the crooks.
Hope you find a great deal in Canada, but hope this helps otherwise.

Last edited by Daniel Lucas; February 12th, 2006 at 09:07 PM.
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