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Canon XL and GL Series DV Camcorders
Canon XL2 / XL1S / XL1 and GL2 / XM2 / GL1 / XM1.

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Old May 18th, 2010, 09:12 AM   #16
Major Player
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: New Mexico
Posts: 566
Hi Ian,

I never thought about renting out our XL2. I guess I just didn't want any other hands touching her body except me...or maybe my wife :)

Having only dealt with one huge corporate client in the past (they're a concessioner to national parks, provide uniforms, etc.), I'd have to agree that they are a bit of a pain in the @$$. But our small clients aren't a walk in the park either!

I agree that if your equipment (SD or HD or Hi8 or S-VHS) is still making you money, and delivering products for your satisfied clients, then by all means keep on truckin' with it. But I also believe that businesses, especially in small markets like mine, need to be competitive and be able to "sell" something to prospective clients. And for us, specifically, is upgrading to HD. And buying a stabilizer. And upgrading our PC. And buying the new Adobe CS5. Oh, and learning more motion graphics. I'd also like a new tripod. Maybe some LED lights to replace our tungsten lights. And a motorized head for our jib would be nice. Oh, and...
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Old May 18th, 2010, 04:22 PM   #17
Inner Circle
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Hampshire, UK
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Jeff, I'm with you all the way! Must . . . get . . . new . . . toys!! (Those LEDs sound good).

I guess my real point is that just because the XL2 is old kit it doesn't mean it's obsolete. I totally agree with all previous posters that HD is the way to go - no question - but my business decisions are led primarily by what my customers want/demand/are willing to pay for (I don't think anyone can argue with that rationale!). At this time they aren't demanding HD, they're demanding my ability to tell their stories effectively.
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Old May 19th, 2010, 07:21 AM   #18
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: Willmar, MN
Posts: 1,400
This is the reason I almost exclusively buy used. I bought a used XL2, made money off it for two years, then sold it for 15% less than what I paid. No angst at all over the sale!

It all comes down to business for me. If a particular piece of equipment doesn't fit with my current business model, it's out the door.

The value of the XL2 is dropping every day. I'd sell it ASAP.
Chris Davis is offline   Reply

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