Small Circle of Light While Shooting at
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Canon XL and GL Series DV Camcorders
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Old July 16th, 2005, 01:26 PM   #1
Major Player
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Posts: 233
Small Circle of Light While Shooting

I was shooting a big panorama yesterday using the TV setting at 60 and when I watched the footage on my tv I noticed a small circle in the center of the clip, looked like a dot, very light colored...somewhat transparent and it was present in a bit of the footage.

It wasn't present when I changed location and filmed in a backyard at someone's house. Only at this location.

It also, happened a few days ago when I went there. There are orange groves, mountains and the sun was behind me the first time and the second I was there at 4pm, it was brighter. The white circle was a little larger....

My question is: what could this be? and how to avoid seeing it on the footage in the future.

By the way, my UV filter was spanking clean. I thought that that could be the culprit, but it wasn't. All the other footage I shot that day was clean, no little light spot.

Could it be some sort of refracted light, or lens flare?

Thanks for any help you can give me!
Lucinda Luvaas is offline   Reply With Quote
Old July 16th, 2005, 02:00 PM   #2
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Happy Saturday Lucinda,

I immediately thought it was a lens flare but if the sun was BEHIND you than I'm clueless. To check for flare in the future just slowly wave your hand over the top or sides of the lens and see if the image improves or if on sticks, step aside from the cam and look into the lens for a spot of reflection.

You probably knew these tricks already but maybe it can help some else.

Please post back when you find out what it was.

Stephanie Wilson is offline   Reply With Quote
Old July 16th, 2005, 02:20 PM   #3
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Dust? Dead Pixel? Hard to say... can you post a grab?

ash =o)
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Old July 16th, 2005, 02:57 PM   #4
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Thanks Stephanie and Ash,

I'll try those things Stephanie, thanks so much! I don't know how to post a frame or two and would like to, in fact I'm going to Photoshop right now to make a few frames. I want to send one to Brian at Zotzdigital too.

What's a dead pixel? I don't what that is.....

No dust. The little circle of light doesn't show up anywhere else in the footage. And, I didn't think it was a lens flare. I'm concerned about lens flaw.

I discovered, and I bought the cam about a month ago, when cleaning the UV filter, I discovered on the lens itself what I thought was a tiny speck on the inside of the lens. Tried to clean it off, but it's on the inside.

Two other people said it looked like a little bubble.

I then found out from Brian at Zotz that high temps and altitudes can create these bubbles and they do go away. Say you go from a warm, and it's in the triple digits here, to air conditioning around 78 degrees, you could get a bubble...

At this point, we're not sure whether it's the bubble or a flaw in the lens itself.

This is why, when I got this tiny circle of light I was concerned.

As I said previously, I don't see it in the other footage from yesterday. Everything looks great. So, I wish I knew someone who could take a look at the lens and tell me whether it's ok or not.

Anyone live in the Riverside area of Southern California?

If you know how to post the picts here let me know. I will.

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Old July 16th, 2005, 03:11 PM   #5
Capt. Quirk
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If it is there, then gone, then back again, it is not a dead pixel or dust. It is likely a flare or reflection from something you maybe didn't notice.
K. Forman is offline   Reply With Quote
Old July 16th, 2005, 03:56 PM   #6
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Posts: 233
That could be Keith.

I've just made some frames of it in PS and when I blow up the frame 800-1200 you can see four pixels, square pixels, lighter than the surrounding ones.
Lucinda Luvaas is offline   Reply

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