Filming a WW2 Movie- Alittle help plz at
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Canon XL and GL Series DV Camcorders
Canon XL2 / XL1S / XL1 and GL2 / XM2 / GL1 / XM1.

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Old February 14th, 2005, 05:24 PM  
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Filming a WW2 Movie- Alittle help plz

Im new with the XL2 and im looking for some help to give it that Cinimatic Movie Look. Its probably obvious but i wanted a look which you can find with Band of Brothers, Saving Private Ryan, Hamburger Hill. Ect.
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Old February 14th, 2005, 06:38 PM  
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The most obvious would be to use 16:9 and 24p for starters.

But other than that there is really no one way of creating a "film-like" look. Play around with the custom presets on the camera. You can really fine tune your look to make it fit almost anything you're looking for.

The only way to get that look you want is to experiment. Take your camera out and take some test footage and try some different settings. Keep track of what you've done and when you review it, note the settings you like. Unfortunately, there is no magic combination of settings to get you the "best" film look.
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Old February 14th, 2005, 06:40 PM  
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Re: Filming a WW2 Movie- Alittle help plz

I am not sure, but both Band of Brothers and Saving Private Ryan had a very desaturated look to me, lik ethe colors were brought down alot, but I suspect this is best done in post?

<<<-- Originally posted by Forbes Hansen : Im new with the XL2 and im looking for some help to give it that Cinimatic Movie Look. Its probably obvious but i wanted a look which you can find with Band of Brothers, Saving Private Ryan, Hamburger Hill. Ect. -->>>
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Old February 14th, 2005, 07:14 PM  
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Hey Forbes,
I've messed around with that look a little bit and what i find that works best is if you shoot at a higher shutter speed than normal, like125th or somthing and then desaturate it some in post you can get a nice war look. you can even throw in some "noise" and it makes it a bit more gritty looking. but if you want to spend some extra cash i heard that Magic Bullet has a preset in it that is just for what your trying to do. i think they even mention saving private ryan when describing what it "look" looks like. well hope this helps some.

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Old February 14th, 2005, 07:56 PM  
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Who carries "magic bullett' and what nle does it work with?
Bruce yarock
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Old February 14th, 2005, 07:59 PM  
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Saving Private Ryan used a very bleached out process after being shot. This is what gave it the blown out whites and such desaturated colors. This process was also used a little in Se7en to a degree. It's not too hard to do the same thing in our NLE's (Adobe, Avid, Final Cut Pro, ect.), but the effect won't be as good as using Magic Bullet or some other effects software like that.

The Magic Bullet Suite is compatible with Adobe After Effects and Final Cut Pro. There are also the Magic Bullet Editors which are plug-ins for your NLE, of course with many missing features of the Mabic Bullet Suite. I believe that the editors come with some of the looks but not all. Red Giant Software is the manufacturer of Magic Bullet. Here's a link:
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Old February 14th, 2005, 08:53 PM  
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Im shooting 16:9 24p and 48shutter speed. Like Film. I am not firmiliar with AE Shift, and all the light levels. They really dont explain much in the manual so i look on forums for help. If you guys can tell me what those things do id be very happy

We have a trailer. I dont know how to put it on thoguh. Someone please help me on that.

I know that with Saving Private Ryan. They took off thier lens caps so you see alot of vertical smeer with the fire i guess. I really didnt like that movie myself. Im 16 and have wanted to direct since i was 3 so im doing this to help me in the future.

were also shooting this in Tv. Is that bad? I didnt use M because of how many layers thier were for focus. What is the best to use?
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Old February 16th, 2005, 05:42 AM  
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A search on both BoB and SPR gave the following threads: (yes there is a SPR reference in there!)

Now I took the time to do this search for you, please take the time
to read through this stuff. Thanks.

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