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Canon XL and GL Series DV Camcorders
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Old April 5th, 2005, 08:15 AM   #16
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Derry, New Hamsphire
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After spending time on the phone with the "video tech"guy at canon, I am SURE that there will NEVER be an SDK released for the XL2. My reasoning behind that is the tech I spoke with just a few moments ago, named Chuck (no relationship), told me that he was one of the "top techs for the Xl2" and that he had NEVER even heard of a software developers kit for the XL2. Of course, this seemed a little odd to me since even "I" have heard about it and that it was one of the smaller reasons that I chose to purchase an XL2 in September of last year. But, I guess everyone, including myself, was apparently mislead, confused, or just hearing what we wanted to hear. I did a search on the net for Canon's XL2 SDK, but only found a few sites that spoke of it. Even Canon's own site search tool left my page empty without a return from the query. So, bottom line, no such thing exists or will ever exist. Surprisingly enough, i first read about the XL2 and the SDK on this site, well before I had purchased the XL2 from canon. Makes me wonder about the rest. But that would open up a whole 'nother can of worms for the people that still believe EVERY thing they read (I used to be one of them), so I'll let it die there.
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Old April 5th, 2005, 09:46 AM   #17
Obstreperous Rex
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I agree, it seems as though it's turned out to be vaporware.

To avoid further confusion I'll be removing all references to the SDK off of the XL2 Watchdog site. Hope this helps,

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Old April 5th, 2005, 10:26 AM   #18
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Yeah, I haven't seen anything more here or elsewhere than Canon's words...nothing that indicates anyone claimed to have the SDK or knew anything specific about it...we all have just waiting and wondering.

I like Canon stuff, but playing the Vaporware game is not acceptable. (This is quite out of character as compared how they DON'T pre-announce hardware. We'll probably never know what the story actually is, but I'm left remaining curious as to why the company was willing to give itself a black eye on that.

So be it. I still love the camera...and will until I move up to HD soon. ;-)
Pete Bauer
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Old April 5th, 2005, 11:31 AM   #19
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Strange...My model has an SDK feature when I first press it, and when I press the button a second time, a red sign displays in the viewfinder "LORD Of The RINGS Mode"

Maybe I've got the mock-up version...
Tony Davies-Patrick is offline   Reply

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