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Old February 16th, 2005, 06:36 PM   #16
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AJ - Pardon my ignorance but what is CCW? I've never heard that term. Thanks.
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Old February 16th, 2005, 08:09 PM   #17
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<<<-- Originally posted by Jim Sofranko : AJ - Pardon my ignorance but what is CCW? I've never heard that term. Thanks. -->>>

I'm not AJ but I think it is an acronym for "Counter Clockwise".

And for the record I see the same thing as AJ on this issue.
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Old February 16th, 2005, 09:19 PM   #18
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Hey, you learn something new everyday! Thanks.

I have a 3x lense that I shot with all last summer on two docs with the XL1. I love the lense for handheld shooting as well as for wide vistas. The downside to wide vistas can often be the problem with the DV format dealing with small detail rather than the lense itself. Much depends on the subject of the shot as has been previously discussed on this forum.

I'm considering a camera purchase in the near future. One of the compelling reasons for me to stick with the Canon XL series is the 3x lense that I presently own. It can be a diificult lense to focus in low light on any of the cameras. But with a little stop it has tremendous DOF. (Depth of Field)

But with back focus issues, the question I have the lense usable on the XL2? Does it mean that one needs to be a bit more careful on the focus or are there situations that it is simply unusable?
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Old February 16th, 2005, 10:06 PM   #19
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It's not unusable. Realistically you are mostly limited in terms of using the motorised zoom somewhat, as the image may likely lose focus through the zoom range (this issue exists with the xl1s as well, its just harder to see as the xl1s image is less sharp to start with). If you want to use the zoom, you would want to be focused on a middle distance object, and try to keep your f-stop from 4-5.6, this should minimize any back focus problems.

I'm not sure yet that this issue is endemic to the design of the lens, but enough people have seen it to suggest that it might be.

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Old February 17th, 2005, 12:58 AM   #20
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It definitely exhibits backfocus

Hey Jeff,

My lens as well as my friends, exhibit the same back focus problem on the XL2.

It SUCKS big time because I thought the reason they kept the XL lens mount was for interchangeability. I'm pretty mad about the whole thing but until Canon releases a new lens, were pretty much stuck with it.
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Old February 17th, 2005, 07:15 AM   #21
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The good news is that even if you see this problem you can still use the lens and get excellent wide angle shots. You just won't be able to zoom in and focus and then zoom out and retain taht critical focus. Because of the shorter zoom this is not that beneficial anyway. I can tell if I am in focus just as easily with it zoomed or with it pulled full wide.

And my experiences with it once I focus is that is amazingly clean and sharp. The cleanest wide I have ever seen on an XL series camera. I have used the Century Optics adapters for years and find that they do exhibut a considerable softness on the edges at the widest angles and you will se some barrell distortion. I see absolutely no signs of either on the 3x lens. A superb piece of glass.

I am glad that a friend of mine let me borrow it but I am going to miss it when I give it back next week!
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Old February 18th, 2005, 07:29 AM   #22
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Spoke with Canon yesterday and they said to send the lense back for 'recalibration'. They would not admit any issues inherent with the 3X - XL2 combo, but did infer they had other calls on the same topic.

Will ship it out soon.
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Old February 18th, 2005, 07:52 AM   #23
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Please let us know if they actually fix it. If you turn out to be the guy that has worked out how to get this problem solved you'll be a big hero around here.
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Old February 19th, 2005, 08:52 PM   #24
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Will do - a bit nervous to take it out of production as we have come to depend on it...IF we stay wide. And Canon did not acknowlege a problem, they just offered to 're-calibrate' it.

I love all my Canon's from the XL2's to the new sweet little SD300 i just got - (if you are contemplating wait for the SD500 due out next month) - so i don't want to lose faith in them, but this lense does not work across the range so i hope to post back here in 2 weeks or so with good news.
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Old February 19th, 2005, 10:09 PM   #25
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Buzz, I am assuming its going to the New Jersey shop, not the one out here in California?
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Old February 21st, 2005, 07:13 AM   #26
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Yes - Vermont to soon as Presidents Day and the snow passes.
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Old February 22nd, 2005, 08:05 AM   #27
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Buzz - did you find out any more information on the x3 lens and back-focus problems?

Here is a thread that I've started on similar problems:

Maybe someone else could comments on their findings?
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Old February 22nd, 2005, 08:31 AM   #28
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The lens would have gone into the post today... so I doubt he has heard anything back. Interesting results on adjusting the back focus to fit the wide angle adapter on the 16x manual though. I am on the fence about which to buy, so Buzz' experience with canon should tip the scales.
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Old February 22nd, 2005, 09:12 AM   #29
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I'm also on the fence at the moment (about buying the X3), but I've got to do a lot more footage and double check the sharpness of the Optex before I decide if its really good enough. First impressions (after adjusting the back-focus) look good, and maybe I don't need that X3 lens after all.

It would have been REALLY nice to have a X3 manual lens (come on Canon!). My Nikkor lenses work great on the XL1s, but even if I used a 13mm f/5.6 or 15mm f3.5 they wouldn't get me wide enough.

Judging by the extra amount of frame using the Optex on the 16X manual, it seems to give me enough space to work inside a boat, and the extra weight of the manual 16X lens + converter (compared to the 3X) should be an advantage in keeping everything steady in choppy waters, and with the MA-200 XLR on the back it should also help the balance.
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Old February 22nd, 2005, 09:15 AM   #30
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What is the going rate for the Optex? I did a quick search, and could only find prices in pounds or euros - which seemed to be about 800 dollars US. There are three 3x lenses for sale on ebay right now, for 800-850 dollars. That seems to be the going rate. SO if I was going to spend 800 dollars, is it more efficient to get the OPTEX or the 3x with it's bells and whistles? Just part of what I am thinking.
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