black press vs. cine gamma at
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Canon XL and GL Series DV Camcorders
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Old June 29th, 2008, 02:38 AM   #1
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black press vs. cine gamma

I was wondering if someone could, for my own edification, explain to me, in terms of looking at a gamma curve or a waveform monitor (so in IRE/percentage terms) how black press and cine gamma affect the blacks/dark areas when those options are turned on. For example, at what point in terms of luminance or pixel value does the cine gamma take effect? It seems to map more of the midtones to shadows, but at what luminance level do the midtones start to be affected? Same with black press---at what point does a pixel become "black enough" for it to be pressed? Again, I mean in terms of IRE/percentage---so 10%, 20%, where?
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