Outputting for CRT vs. LCD at DVinfo.net
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Canon XH Series HDV Camcorders
Canon XH G1S / G1 (with SDI), Canon XH A1S / A1 (without SDI).

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Old June 9th, 2007, 06:21 PM   #1
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Outputting for CRT vs. LCD

hello everyone,

i have a little dilemma. I just recently exported a video from my A1 to DVD. Now i noticed if i played it on my LCD television, dark sports would be super dark and it appears like the video lost about 2 full stops!!! however if i played it on my tube/crt tv, it looked the same(perfect) as i was editing in premiere.

now my question is this, is there a way to avoid this problem or is it just because dvd was not built to be shown on lcd tv. My lcd does well on regular tv and high def. channels too. I full convinced there is no way to avoid this but if anyone has inputs or a solution, please feel free to post.

thanks in advance
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Old June 9th, 2007, 08:29 PM   #2
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You need to put up NTSC color bars and adjust your CRT monitor, if that's what you have in your editing system, properly to know if your edited master is OK. You can also use the waveform monitor to check as you edit. Then, adjust the LCD screen too with the bars. If you don't know how to do that, do a search for NTSC color bars and you'll find several sets of directions on how to do it. Of course if you're editing HDV and don't have an HD monitor, you can't color correct while you're editing. If you're using FCP, you can change the output setting from HDV to DV and can watch a still frame on your NTSC monitor, and that's usually good enough for color work. You won't be able to play a sequence until after you export it to a QT for DVD authoring.
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Old June 9th, 2007, 10:59 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Bill Pryor View Post
You need to put up NTSC color bars and adjust your CRT monitor, if that's what you have in your editing system, properly to know if your edited master is OK. You can also use the waveform monitor to check as you edit. Then, adjust the LCD screen too with the bars. If you don't know how to do that, do a search for NTSC color bars and you'll find several sets of directions on how to do it. Of course if you're editing HDV and don't have an HD monitor, you can't color correct while you're editing. If you're using FCP, you can change the output setting from HDV to DV and can watch a still frame on your NTSC monitor, and that's usually good enough for color work. You won't be able to play a sequence until after you export it to a QT for DVD authoring.
well the problem is i dont have a crt monitor except for a tube tv with coaxial input and thats it. No waveform monitor either but my computer lcd is calibrated. im using premiere not fcp and i will search into ntsc color bars in the meantime.

i only have my video card outputs(dvi) how would i output to this monitors and where can i check them out?

Last edited by Kalulu Ngilo; June 9th, 2007 at 11:31 PM.
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Old June 10th, 2007, 08:52 AM   #4
Join Date: Jan 2003
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I think most NLEs have a software waveform and vectorscope. And you should have some color bars in there somewhere too. If you're using a TV, you won't have as much control in adjustment as a monitor, but you should be able to get close enough for your purposes. If you can't find bars in your system, just take some from the camera. The fact that your stuff looks OK on one TV and not on another indicates one is way off, but you need to make sure your footage is all up to spec first. Just adjusting the TVs to color bars would be the first step. I've never seen two TVs that are very close without some adjustment.
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