My thoughts after first shoot with A1. at
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Canon XH Series HDV Camcorders
Canon XH G1S / G1 (with SDI), Canon XH A1S / A1 (without SDI).

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Old February 17th, 2007, 08:15 PM   #1
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My thoughts after first shoot with A1.

We got a last minute opportunity to shoot a memorial service today so we put the 2 A1s through the paces.

First let me say....sweeeet!

We used the Outsiden preset from the download library. I wanted to use a DVX looking preset but the service was in a not so well lit gymnasium and when you zoomed way in it was a little dark. is what I have learned so far.

I had never heard of the feature "Peaking: but once I started using it I almost never turned it off. With HD focus is so important. I used it about 75% of the time. Makes rack focus and just general focus easier. I spot checked a little footage at home and it was crisp and clear. I like this feature.

OIS....not sure what is up but when I would zoom in a little bit (about 1/3 to 1/2) and do a moving camera shot using the body and not the arms I was getting a little bounce in the video even though my hands weren't bouncing. I turned off OIS and it went away. In wider modes there was no problem. I don't do moving shots often zoomed in so it shouldn't be a problem.

I had a wireless mic plugged in and the XLR audio seemed clear, was easy to operate and worked well.

Because of the size and weight compared to my old VX/PD cams I need to learn new ways to hold the camera when going handheld. My fingers keep going to controls that don't exist out of habit. Once I learn them more in depth it will be fine but it fun reaching in new places for stuff.

Overall they worked very well. My wife was running second cam pretty much in auto mode on the center cam focused on the speakers. Her footage looked great as well considering I gave her a crash course this morning in 10 minutes on the main things she needed to know about it. She did not have the opportunity to play around with the cams as much as I did this week.

There is so much to learn with them and so many capabilities. Shooting 16x9 does take some getting used to but also opens up different capabilities.

I'm liking it lots so far.

Just some quick impressions after the first use.
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Old February 18th, 2007, 03:47 AM   #2
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Interesting commentary on the cam Philip
Can you post any footage or image grabs !!!
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Old February 18th, 2007, 04:56 AM   #3
Inner Circle
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I agree that the peaking v'finder help is much needed with the pretty poor resolution of most HDV camcorder's screens and v'finders. What I do find sad though is that on my Z1 I can have either peaking or zebras, but not both at the same time. Zebra wins out I'm afraid. Corrected in the V1, where both are available simultaneously.

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Old February 18th, 2007, 04:22 PM   #4
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What is the easiest way to post some frame grabs on this forum. I have a couple that would be ok to show.

Put them on my site and just give a link? Are there file size and image size restrictions?
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Old February 18th, 2007, 06:08 PM   #5
Obstreperous Rex
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Hi Philip,

When you submit a post, look for a "manage attachments" button below the text input area... you can also use our Image Gallery (link in the blue nav bar at the top of any page). Hope this helps,

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Old February 18th, 2007, 06:22 PM   #6
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Here are some links to the screen grabs. They are full size right from the cam with color correction or anything. We were shooting at 6db gain as the gym it was held in didn't have as many lights as many gyms do. I just decided to upload them to my site and you can click on the links if you want to see them. They are full rez right from the cam.

It was in a gym since the church wasn't big enough. I stopped at the church on the way to get a few shots to work into the video somewhere. The last image is a little underexposed but has some nice detail and colors in the sky.
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Old February 18th, 2007, 08:54 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Chris Hurd
When you submit a post, look for a "manage attachments" button below the text input area... you can also use our Image Gallery (link in the blue nav bar at the top of any page). Hope this helps,
I've been wondering how to post attachments myself & thought it was based on either how long someone was an active member or a certain number of posts.

I don't have any manage attachments button. Only "submit reply" & "preview post". Also in the bottom left (Posting rules) it has "You may not post attachments".

Any thoughts?

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