A camera I used when in high school was the low-cost yet high quality Panasonic AG-DVC10p. It remains to this day my favorite "straight out of the camera" image look. I've attached several photos to this message to illustrate the accuracy (in my mind) of the colors this camera gave off, either in automatic WB (shot11) or just using the white lens cap for a quick manual balance (all others).
Note: The photos need to be dropped into an NLE timeline and viewed on an NTSC monitor for accurate colors.
Most of what I've seen of the XHA1 is duller coloring (washed out) compared to this camera. Knowing that the Canon is a highly customizable camera, do you think the Canon can create colors like the DVC10p?
From this page:
Photo 4 (wet suit guy standing by car dent) comes closest to this look, but it was color corrected! Color correction is fine (and by that page's examples the A1 has quite a lot of latitude) but for run and gun situations where you don't want to fool around in post ("Fix it on the set,"says the editor..."WE'LL FIX IT IN POST," says the cameraman. "You mean I'LL fix it!", says the editor), this preset would be real nice.