On-camera light? White balance problem! at DVinfo.net
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Canon XH Series HDV Camcorders
Canon XH G1S / G1 (with SDI), Canon XH A1S / A1 (without SDI).

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Old January 6th, 2007, 06:07 PM   #1
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On-camera light? White balance problem!

I just bought an A1 - thanks to all the great input in this forum. I only shot a test tape so far, but the camera feel very reliable and the L lens seems rock solid. The custom presets and functions are great. I downloaded the 18 custom presets on this site and try them out now. Thanks for sharing your work!
I had fear about the LCD but it is actually really good - could be bigger though. The weakest points are the normal viewfinder - and the stupid placement of the headphone connection behind the rubber cover in the back. Canon seems to forget that ensuring good sound with headphones is often more essiantial than capturing the perfect picture. As professionals know, bad footage is often easier to repair than missing/distorted sound. Enough about that.

Two questions:
1) Any suggestion for a portable, adjustable, preferably with filter options, and affordable on-camera light for A1?

2) When I tried the camera today, once it couldnīt find the white balance. It was not so strong light outdoor, f1,6 and 1/50 no gain. Solution? Any other with a similar problem?

Thanks Erik
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Old January 6th, 2007, 08:41 PM   #2
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Here is a small on-camera light I ordered with built on filters. Good for close-ups, being a low powered LED light. Got mine at B & H.

Varizoom VAVZS2010C
S-2010C Dimmable On Camera Light - LED, 5600K, Canon Camera Battery Clamp.

Also in low light you'll find these cameras wont be as accurate for Manual white balance or auto. With this light I often use the amber filter and shoot on indoor light preset for white balance. Hope this helps you out,

Eric Dyer is offline   Reply With Quote
Old January 7th, 2007, 04:07 AM   #3
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What canon battery type does it use?

Thanks for the advice Eric
Does it take the A1 battery BP-950G?

Kind regards Erik
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Old January 7th, 2007, 04:21 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Erik Palm
2) When I tried the camera today, once it couldnīt find the white balance. It was not so strong light outdoor, f1,6 and 1/50 no gain. Solution?

I find that entering the color temperature in ° Kelvin works very well.

Indoor incandescent: 2800-3000K
Indoor halogen: 3400K
Outdoor, sun: 5000-5500K
Outdoor, cloudy: 7000K
Outdoor, sunny in shade: 8000-10000K.
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Old January 7th, 2007, 06:48 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Erik Palm
<snip> The weakest points are the normal viewfinder - and the stupid placement of the headphone connection behind the rubber cover in the back. Canon seems to forget that ensuring good sound with headphones is often more essiantial than capturing the perfect picture. As professionals know, bad footage is often easier to repair than missing/distorted sound. <snip>
wasn't one of your questions, but there's a thread in here on the headphone thing - you can drill a hole, 3/8" I believe (check the thread)..would be better if everyone didn't have to drill holes in the rubber flap, but oh well....
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Old January 10th, 2007, 01:25 PM   #6
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I've found Frezzolini to be one of the best for on-camera lighting. Their light kits can be customized to including soft boxes and dichroic filters. Take a look at their products
They can be a little pricey, but the quality is top knotch.

Another option is from Anton Bauer, they have a new product called the ELIGHTZ. Visit their website at http://www.antonbauer.com/
Their lights can be powered by the ELIPZ battery that is mounted on the bottom of the camcorder to power both the camera and light.

If you have any questions or concerns, contact TapeWorks Texas Inc as we are a distributer for both Anton Bauer and Frezzolini.

Best Regards,
Scott Cantrell
TapeWorks Texas Inc - HDVinfo Sponser
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Old January 10th, 2007, 09:06 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Scott Cantrell

I've found Frezzolini to be one of the best for on-camera lighting. Their light kits can be customized to including soft boxes and dichroic filters. Take a look at their products
They can be a little pricey, but the quality is top knotch.

Another option is from Anton Bauer, they have a new product called the ELIGHTZ. Visit their website at http://www.antonbauer.com/
Their lights can be powered by the ELIPZ battery that is mounted on the bottom of the camcorder to power both the camera and light.

If you have any questions or concerns, contact TapeWorks Texas Inc as we are a distributer for both Anton Bauer and Frezzolini.

Best Regards,
Scott Cantrell
TapeWorks Texas Inc - HDVinfo Sponser
Hail Hail Frezzi! They never let me down! - Scott question, do you have the new Elipz system on your cams? Curious to find someone using it and how they like it and it's feel.
Miguel Lombana
http://www.miguellombana.com & http://www.phoenixhamradio.com
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Old January 10th, 2007, 09:31 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Miguel Lombana
Hail Hail Frezzi! They never let me down! - Scott question, do you have the new Elipz system on your cams? Curious to find someone using it and how they like it and it's feel.
Favorite Toy in the house:
Sharp VXZ-12000 DLP Projector with a 120" diagonal (YEP 10 Feet) Draper Onyx Screen, Yamaha 5.1 surround, Klipsch speakers and a very wonderful wife!
does B&H stock the "very wonderful wife"? if not, where can I get one? :-)
just kidding, mine is too but I liked the signature, made me laugh.
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