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Canon XH Series HDV Camcorders
Canon XH G1S / G1 (with SDI), Canon XH A1S / A1 (without SDI).

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Old January 20th, 2007, 07:16 PM   #106
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- Exp. Lock disables AGC

How would you switch for this function?"

I can't think of a reason why anyone would want to lock exposure and still have AGC functioning, but if necessary, we could have a menu optiion to select whether Exposure Lock disables AGC or not.

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Old January 20th, 2007, 07:50 PM   #107
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Originally Posted by Bill Busby
I don't understand the disabling of the color bar switch.
...Holly mentioned several posts ago she would like this so she "can permanently remove the tape" which never made sense to me...
She meant, so she could permanently remove the little piece of gaff tape she had placed over that switch to lock it off.

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Old January 21st, 2007, 04:15 AM   #108
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ohhhhhh! Now it's clear. I was like... huh? Thanks Chris
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Old January 21st, 2007, 05:57 AM   #109
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Originally Posted by Piotr Wozniacki
Compared to the Sony V1, the peaking is definitely less functional. Let me propose one more item to the wishlist: customizable colour and intensity level of peaking (ironically, when you change to black&white for easier focusing, the peaking gets even less distinctive - should be red or yellow!)
I've been thinking: if I was the only one to complain about the peaking not being distinctive enough, perhaps it's just me? I mean, do all of you think it's OK? Personally, it's just not bright enough, and -given it can only be white - invalidates the very purpose of switching to BW for easier focusing. Please let me know if you share my opinion, because otherwise something must be wrong with my unit.
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Old January 21st, 2007, 08:37 AM   #110
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What I find a large lack is that the camera makers, Canon, but also Sony in this case, are not really helping the users focus.

Canon made it even worse by making the screen smaller. Both of the camera makers use the "expanded focus" button which enables you to quick-zoom to see a part of the picture up in detail so you can see if its focussed right.

But sadly enough this feature does not function while filming, and I hate that!
The only usefull focussing function the cameras at this moment is the "push to focus" which helps correcting manual focus but Canon is forcing me to look trough the viewfinder very closely to see if I got the focus right, and sadly enough, too many times I am off a little.

So, my firmware upgrade request is: "Anything that helps me focussing, in low or bright light"

And one thing to do this is enabling the "expanded focus" while filming. (it can't be hard to zoom in on a bit of the picture without having to write that to tape but show it on the LCD)

And about the Intermedia steps in gain, I would like to see that in the lower regions, so 4db for example. Well, it would actually be great so see every step selectable...from -3 up to 36db. The more step options, the better!
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Old January 22nd, 2007, 02:20 PM   #111
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I think focusing assist is OK for the camera of this size and price. I had no big problems so far in different situations, but I agree: if possible, Canon should improve peaking by making it brighter and easier to interpret.

On the other hand, maybe we should be a little bit more forgiving and remember professional HD viewfinder can cost as much as the whole XH-A1 cam.
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Old January 22nd, 2007, 03:03 PM   #112
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You're right Bogdan, but have you seen the peaking with the Z1 or V1? It's much better and customizable, even though the LCD is bigger and focusing is easier than with the Canon anyway; ironically the A1 offers so many custom settings in other areas (many more than V1), but NOT for peaking color/intensity which would be very appropriate considering its smaller LCD and less DOF than the V1's...

Well, you can't have everything - but this thread is all about wishes, so what the heck?!
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Old January 22nd, 2007, 03:49 PM   #113
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Yes, I know what you're talking about. There is nothing that couldn't be better. Let's demand. Maybe they will deliver :)
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Old January 26th, 2007, 07:12 AM   #114
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My first addition to the wishlist has been customizable peaking, now that I have played with the cam for a couple of days, I'd like two more things:

- focus ring more precize=less sensitive
- ND display (warning and ND1/ND2 differentiation)
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Old January 26th, 2007, 07:51 AM   #115
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Still looking for input on this post I made here:

Can't move forward without it. Thanks in advance,

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Old January 26th, 2007, 08:58 AM   #116
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OK, I'll weigh in as best I can.

1. Shutter speed - I think the dvx remembered everything, just sold mine so I can't check.

2. Exp lock - OK, nevermind.

3. TV mode - don't use it, no suggestions.

4. CP/shtter scroll - seems impractical. If cp names were displayed on the LCD, I'd be happy.

5. exp lock/agc - no interest in this one.

6. NR1 & 2 - don't use them, but it seems too hard to define for this poll.

7. Gain - never shoot higher than +6, I'm happy with gain.

8. Night mode - don't use it, but it seems too hard to define for this poll.

9. 50f - not a pal user, can't help.

10. Lower WB- Seems excessive to me, cam already has a great wb feature.

11. Photo buttons as custom keys - agree with your greatest flexibility suggestion.

12. AWB as OIS - I agree, this seems redundant, other suggestion to make mappable to custom keys better.

13. Fine tune LCD - The LCD is what it is, not a biggier for me.

I think because it's such a long thread, people who made some of these suggestions may have dropped in and aren't going to drop back, so you might have to make some judgement calls. Hope some of this helps, can't wait to get this poll up.
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Old January 26th, 2007, 09:17 AM   #117
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Originally Posted by Stu Siegal
... can't wait to get this poll up.
Me too.

Chris, maybe you set a deadline for precising the "second batch"-wishes. If we don't get any input by the end of the deadline, we could only use "first batch"-wishes for the poll.
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Old January 26th, 2007, 11:29 AM   #118
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1. Previous Shutter Speed - The A1 *does* remember the previous shutter speed EXCEPT when you switch to Tv from Auto it defaults to 1/25th. If you switch to Tv from Av the previous shutter setting is restored. I think that might be a bug!

2. Exposure Lock - Most people who want semi-auto exposure controls will probably be working in Tv or Av. I see no point to this.

3. Exposure Override in Tv - I'd like the ability to shift the exposure up or down by a couple of stops using the iris ring.

4. CP Select By Shutter Wheel - I'd rather have them selected by the menu scroller thingy... Press the CP button, then hit up or down to go through them.

5. Exposure Lock Disables AGC - Can't really see the point of this... what's wrong with the AGC switch?

6. NR1 & 2 - I agree that this is too hard to define

7. Intermediate Gain - +9dB would be nice, but not essential

8. Night Mode Improvement - not specific enough for firmware update

9. 50i to 25f - why? I agree with you Chris - shoot 25F

10. WB Below 2800K - I agree this seems excessive.

11. Photo Buttons - Um... I can't help think this would get confusing.

12. AWB as OIS - Seems confusing.

13. Fine tune LCD - Already have a good range of controls.
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Old January 26th, 2007, 01:06 PM   #119
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- Exp. Lock is Push AE in Manual mode
Originally Posted by Chris Hurd
Already available... in Tv mode, press Exp. Lock once to shoot in full manual; press Exp. Lock again for AE. In other words, all you have to do in order to shoot in full manual with Push AE from the Exp. Lock button, is to use the Tv program mode instead of the M program mode... there is no difference between the two modes (Manual vs. Tv with Exp. Lock), except the availability of Push AE.
Not really...
EXP lock is Push AE in manual mode
If it was available in manual mode, it will function similar as the Push AF button. (That is a temporarily override as long as you push the button.) Now, in manual mode the EXP Lock button is doing nothing.

You can get similar action in TV mode by [push out Exposure Lock] wait for AE level...and [push on Exposure Lock] to go back to manual. You need to push 'twice' because it locks to the function. That is normal behavior, it is even written on it: EXP. LOCK !!
What I want is: EXP lock functions as Push AE in manual mode.

Sure, you can workaround with the TV mode, but it's slow and definitely not the same.
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Old January 26th, 2007, 01:42 PM   #120
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Originally Posted by Raymond Toussaint
Not really...
Yes... really.

It works exactly as I have described. Tv mode plus Exp. Lock equals Manual mode. There is no difference, except that shooting this way in Tv mode is better than shooting in Manual mode because it offers exactly what you want: the ability to switch between automatic exposure control and manual exposure control at the push of a button.

Honestly I can't sympathize with your complaint about having to push the Exp. Lock button a second time; after all it really doesn't take much effort to lift a finger.

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