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Canon XH Series HDV Camcorders
Canon XH G1S / G1 (with SDI), Canon XH A1S / A1 (without SDI).

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Old November 3rd, 2006, 09:57 AM   #1
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Low to no light

This XHA1 camera is designed for the ENG market, I think. Newspapers will buy these by the hundreds for web video because they're a thousand bucks cheaper than the Z1U. Churches will buy the G1's by the hundreds because they're a tenth of the price of a broadcast camera. Same for cable stations. Networks will use them in place of their PD170's. And wedding photogs need high-def and low light.

So low-light performance is really important. I've been comparing the Sony Z1U to the Canon XHA1 in low to no-light conditions.

First, to you wedding guys, this still isn't a PD170 or a 2100. Sorry.

However, it does give you about a stop more light at 12db than the Z1U at 18db, I think. However, both cameras are so customizable it's hard to say yet. You can set the canon to 18db and 36db but I haven't tried it yet.

Here's a frame grab from the Canon at 12db of gain, 1/60th 2.8, with black stretch on and nr1 and nr2 both set to medium.

I think it's pretty amazing -- very low noise.


(frame grab from fcp, de-interlaced in photoshop and resized for aspect ratio but otherwise untouched)
Attached Thumbnails
Performance in low to no light: samples-xha1-12db-blk-strtch-nr-med.jpg  

Last edited by Chuck Fadely; November 3rd, 2006 at 07:56 PM.
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Old November 3rd, 2006, 10:06 AM   #2
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That does look nice. To emphasize the noise, would be interesting to see a spot(s) of light somewhere, an incandescent light, candle, street light etc. Inbetween the areas of contrast, to light up the grain, make what's hidden in the dark visible.
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Old November 3rd, 2006, 11:22 AM   #3
Obstreperous Rex
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Split out from Initial User's review of the Canon XH-A1. Needed to stand as its own topic.

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Old November 3rd, 2006, 07:55 PM   #4
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Here's a frame grab from the XHA1 at 18db gain, black stretch and noise reduction on. Note that you have to go into the menus to get 18db; max gain is normally 12db.

To the naked eye, trees and grass are featureless black, sky is completely dark.

(I also tried it at 36db gain. It's very noisy but would be useable for news. It's way better than the Sony Z1U "hypergain" setting, but still really nasty, with muted colors.)

I'm on a mac, so the gamma might be off for some of you. Seen on component out to an HD monitor from the camera, it's bright and open.
Attached Thumbnails
Performance in low to no light: samples-xha1-18db-30th-blkstrch-nr-hi.jpg  
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Old November 3rd, 2006, 09:35 PM   #5
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Hi Chuck, thanks for taking the time to post these picts, anyway you could post side by side comparison with the Z1? either with the same settings on both camera on the same shot or adjust each camera to the same brightness and let us know what settings for each camera.
Khoi Pham
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Old November 3rd, 2006, 10:40 PM   #6
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Can it shoot at 30P with 1/30th shutter without resolution loss? I can deal with 1/30th shutter more easily than lots of gain or low resolution.

After seeing a review of the V1 and it's possibly poor low-light capabilities, I am again thinking about Canon.
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Old November 4th, 2006, 01:58 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Chuck Fadely
Here's a frame grab from the XHA1 at 18db gain, black stretch and noise reduction on. Note that you have to go into the menus to get 18db; max gain is normally 12db.

To the naked eye, trees and grass are featureless black, sky is completely dark.

(I also tried it at 36db gain. It's very noisy but would be useable for news. It's way better than the Sony Z1U "hypergain" setting, but still really nasty, with muted colors.)

I'm on a mac, so the gamma might be off for some of you. Seen on component out to an HD monitor from the camera, it's bright and open.
You can see grain but it looks more like film grain than video noise.
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Old November 4th, 2006, 06:40 AM   #8
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There are frame grabs of XHA1 vs Z1U I did here:

Those were with the Canon straight out of the box at 12db gain vs Sony Z1U at 18db. Both wide open at 1/15th.


Originally Posted by Khoi Pham
Hi Chuck, thanks for taking the time to post these picts, anyway you could post side by side comparison with the Z1? either with the same settings on both camera on the same shot or adjust each camera to the same brightness and let us know what settings for each camera.
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Old November 4th, 2006, 09:20 AM   #9
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Ok thanks, don't know how I missed that.
Take care.
Khoi Pham
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