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Canon XH Series HDV Camcorders
Canon XH G1S / G1 (with SDI), Canon XH A1S / A1 (without SDI).

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Old August 17th, 2016, 06:19 PM   #1
Join Date: Aug 2016
Location: Cleveland, Tennessee
Posts: 3
Video/audio karaoke

What I want to do is video karaoke singers with the camera while running a 3.5mm cord from my non powered mixing board to my Canon XH1A. I would just use the onboard mic. but the hall I am in is huge...and sound is bouncing off the walls and ceiling....My non powered board is a Yahama MG82CX. I thought hard wiring the sound from my record out would work....but if i get a weak singer...and try to turn the mic. up...I get noise in the headphones attached to the camera headphone out.
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Old August 20th, 2016, 07:49 AM   #2
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Re: Video/audio karaoke

You are likely overloading the camera's 3.5mm Mic Level audio input and possibly getting noise from using unbalanced wiring as well.

You should connect to the camera's XLR audio inputs using correctly wired and balanced TRS phone to XLR male cables with that particular audio mixer. The camera's XLR inputs should also be set to Line Level input and the camera's phantom power should be set to OFF.

If you are already using all the balanced TRS outputs of your board (Main Out, Monitor Out, and Effects Send) to provide sound to the PA speakers, then you could use a passive Direct Box (or a pair of them) connected to the mixer's Record Out RCA connectors using RCA male to TS phone male adapter cables. Then connect the Direct Boxes to the camera's XLR inputs using standard XLR cables with the camera's inputs set to Mic Level and the phantom power set to OFF. Using this method would not allow the mix going to the camera to be varied from the mix that comes from the Main Output. The Main Out signal and the Rec Out signal are the same content, just sent out at different signal levels for connecting to either professional balanced or consumer unbalanced connectors. (I also just read a note in the mixer's manual that the Rec Out connectors are not affected by the Stereo Master control knob, which is somewhat unusual. You would have to control the camera's recording level using the camera controls and the setting of any attenuation switches on the Direct Box.)

Personally, I would use the Effects Send output jack from the board connected to the XLR input of the camera with a balanced TRS to XLR male cable and the camera input set to Line Level. That way you could vary the level of the individual sources that go to the camera by using the Effect Knob on each individual input of the board without affecting the sound levels going to the PA speakers (unless you are also using the Digital Effects of the board in your PA sound). It would still work, you would just effect both the PA sound and the camera sound if you are using the Digital Effects and you adjust the Effects Knob on the individual inputs.

At any rate, using the camera's XLR audio inputs is the standard way to make a professional level connection for recording, not using the 3.5mm connection.

Last edited by Jay Massengill; August 20th, 2016 at 08:47 AM.
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Old August 20th, 2016, 03:44 PM   #3
Join Date: Aug 2016
Location: Cleveland, Tennessee
Posts: 3
Re: Video/audio karaoke

Thanks Jay for your response....I ordered cables today.....
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Old August 22nd, 2016, 06:54 AM   #4
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Re: Video/audio karaoke

You're welcome and good luck!

Depending on how your equipment is connected to AC power, you may also need to deal with ground loop hum, with can strike even with balanced wiring.

If possible, all grounded equipment that is connected to AC power and connected to each other, should be powered from the same AC outlet. This is especially true in older or poorly maintained buildings.

If that's not possible due to distance between the equipment, you may have to use battery power with, for example, your camera.

Don't defeat safety ground connections on grounded equipment, that is dangerous.

You can however safely use the Ground Lift switch on the Direct Boxes I mentioned, or you could use an isolation transformer like an Ebtech Hum Eliminator or an Ebtech Line Level Shifter.

Just remember to set the camera's XLR input level switches to either Line or Mic depending on how you've connected the output of the mixer. Line level on the camera for a normal straight connection (or using an Ebtech box which is for line level in and out), or Mic level on the camera if using a Direct Box which converts an unbalanced line level signal to a balanced mic level signal.

Always keep Phantom Power on the camera set to OFF unless you have actually connected a mic that requires phantom power.
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Old August 22nd, 2016, 04:36 PM   #5
Join Date: Aug 2016
Location: Cleveland, Tennessee
Posts: 3
Re: Video/audio karaoke

I've got wireless mic's going into my the 1/4" to xlr males running into the camera....there is no noise and the sound is great....not too worried about color balance.....singers are going to be standing under red, green and yellow stage lights. I will have this Thursday to test it all out on location....oh yes...I always use battery power for the camera.....can't seem to depend on the electric power connecter that came with the camera....The large battery will last 4-6 hours and I have two of them....
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Old August 23rd, 2016, 09:37 AM   #6
Join Date: Jul 2003
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Re: Video/audio karaoke

Sounds good, I'm glad the cables are working for you.

Now that you have the TRS to XLR male cables, a couple of additional regular XLR cables to either extend the range from your board, or if your next board has XLR outputs, will be handy.
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