My first video with my XHA1 =) at
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Canon XH Series HDV Camcorders
Canon XH G1S / G1 (with SDI), Canon XH A1S / A1 (without SDI).

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Old March 15th, 2010, 09:10 AM   #1
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My first video with my XHA1 =)

Hey guys, let me know what you think. I didn't have much of a plan when I did this. I just rolled along with it. I'm very green when it comes to videography, but I have spent a few years as an actor in front of the camera. I made a DIY track dolly and steadicam for a couple of the shots in the beginning. I didn't do any color correcting. Should I have? I'm not entirely adept at knowing when it needs to be done. I shot everything in 24f, and changed the shutter between 1/24 and 1/48, couldn't tell you which shots, though. When using the steadicam I forgot to put on image stabilization. Speaking of which, does it matter if image stabilization is on when it's on the tripod? Does it affect the picture or file size at all? Also, I probably should have switched to 60i for some of the faster shots, right? Thanks!!

YouTube - Nick's Scooter is 4 Sale =)
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Old March 15th, 2010, 09:33 AM   #2
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Hi Patrick,
I haven't seen the video, but I can tell how it will look from seeing your settings. I find it odd that you took the time/research to build a dolly and steadicam, but don't know the basics about your camera? Anyhow, as for your IS question: the general rule is if the camera is mounted, on anything, turn IS OFF.

If you want to keep it progressive, you can use the 30F setting when you want to capture more frames.

I'm in the area, if you ever need any help feel free to drop me a line. I have been shooting with the XH series for years now.

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Old March 15th, 2010, 09:37 AM   #3
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John, thanks, but I would prefer you watch the video before judging it.
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Old March 15th, 2010, 09:57 AM   #4
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Hello Patrick,
I did not judge the video, I did not say whether it was good or bad (how can I without seeing it right?). I do have my assumptions, but I kept those to myself. Of course those settings are there because in some situations, they provide the desired look. I was just offering some basic tips and providing answers to your questions.

It was not my intention to not watch the video. I will check it out when I get a chance.

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Old March 15th, 2010, 10:14 AM   #5
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I gotcha. I have studied the camera fairly thoroughly and done lots of test shots, but in the end the trial and error stage takes a while. Please let me know what you think of it when you get the chance. In what part of Orlando are you?
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Old March 15th, 2010, 10:25 AM   #6
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Just a couple of comments here:

Image Stabilization should be off when you are on Steadicam or Tripod.
Yes, you should color correct. While the skin tone is good, you can make the sky more dramatic and increase contrast detail on the close shots. The shot that screams the need for CC is the bridge shot - The colors are vastly different between the coming and going shots. You should try to match their looks.

I hated the title animations - But that's just me :)
B-Scene Films
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Old March 15th, 2010, 11:17 AM   #7
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Yeah, the titles are cheesy and amateur, but he's trying to sell his scooter and I didn't feel like putting a lot of work into that part of the vid. I'm not very good with graphic design. Just threw the stats out.

The bridge shot I was a bit disappointed with (at least the 2nd part). My zebra bars were showing a lot of overexposure on the road so I brought the f-stop down. Unfortunately that made everything pretty dark. I read somewhere that the bars are okay as long as the subject is good. So maybe I should have worried about the vehicles and not the road? I have no idea how to fix that sort of thing in post. I tried some plug-ins in Vegas, but without knowing what parameters to adjust the stock stuff looked like crap.

When color correcting do you just take a sample of a particular area and adjust contrast for that particular set of colors, or do you pretty much have to apply the adjustments to the whole frame/scene?
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Old March 16th, 2010, 04:15 PM   #8
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haha nice! It would have been more fun to watch if he smiled at the end with a big thumbs up or something :)
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Old March 17th, 2010, 02:10 PM   #9
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I got around to checking out the video, and honestly it wasn't as bad as I thought. I think Shaughan got it covered though...some shots were underexposed, especially the second bridge shot. The motion shots weren't bad, just jerky but that goes away with experience. The one thing I did like is that you got a good variety of shots ie. closeups, wide shots, etc. There also seems to be a bit of underlying comedy, which works.

I'm usually roaming the downtown area. Shoot me an email anytime!

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