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Canon XH Series HDV Camcorders
Canon XH G1S / G1 (with SDI), Canon XH A1S / A1 (without SDI).

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Old August 16th, 2010, 10:36 AM   #16
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I tried every single piece of information to get my xh-a1 to work but I had no recognition whatsoever.
I was about to send the camera back to canon to get the firewire port investigated. But then my firewire card arrived, I had already given up on it working and had just ordered one to cover all bases.

1. IF you do not have any recognition from the camera when it plugs in. example. no bumpbump no 'we have detected a new device' NOTHING. Then you need a new firewire card. This firewire card needs to support 64bit systems. I got a 1394B device as opposed to a 1394A device. I'm not sure if this made a difference but I believe the main factor is the 64bit compliant part. THIS WILL SOLVE YOUR DEVICE DETECTION ISSUE. Once you have that working you will encounter the more widely known problem.
Now on the part 2...

2. IF YOU ARE RUNNING A 64bit OS. It will detect the camera and then not install any drivers due to them not existing.

(a) Find the device in your device manager (quickest way to get to this is just open start menu in windows7 and type in device manager and it will show up) then do the steps to change to either the legacy drivers and if this does not help then change to Jmicron.

I won't go through all the details on that because it's 2:30 am and posting here was just an afterthought to help anyone else that might still be in trouble with this. All the info on switching the device drivers are detailed earlier in this post and/or in numerous other forums where people are discussing the same problem.

And finally. MICROSOFT get your ____ together with these drivers. It's a VERY SIMPLE part of software development. Kick Canon in the balls if you have to.
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Old August 26th, 2010, 12:13 AM   #17
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thanks for the clarifications. i gave up with win7 x64 and the XH A1 issues; i capture to either a CF card via a datavideo CF unit from tape, or direct from tape to Vista x86 (32 bit) to CS4 and then migrate the files to CS5 in our Win7 x64 CS5 suite machines.

i had one HELL of a time trying EVERYTHING with this cam and win7 x64. think ill stick with CF card workflow.
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Old September 26th, 2010, 12:06 PM   #18
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XH A1 works with Vista 64 and Windows 7

I have run my XH-A1 with Vista 64 and CS4 for over a year without difficulty. This past week I partitioned my OS drive and installed W7 64bit with CS5, Black Magic Intensity Pro and Cineform. I plugged the camera into the 1394 cable and the drivers loaded immediately without a problem. I opened CS5 PP, configured the Device Control settings for the camera and captured 17 minutes of HDV footage using the scene detect function. No problems.

The software and drivers work fine. I think people who are experiencing problems are using hardware not suited for a 64 bit OS, or don't have the correct software on the computer to recognise the Canon camera.
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Old September 29th, 2010, 02:27 AM   #19
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I've been using Windows 7, 64 bit for about 6 months. No problems downloading from my XH A1 via firewire.
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Old October 20th, 2010, 12:30 PM   #20
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Have the same problems as mentioned in this post. I have no Legacy drivers only :
VIA 1394 OHCI compliant host driver and the one from Texas Instruments.
How can I get a legancy driver to try if this will solve my problem?

Thank you all for the feedback
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Old October 21st, 2010, 12:57 AM   #21
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I think I am in trouble now with my camera output signal.

As mentioned before I had no connection via the firewire but have solved this as follows:
- removed the IE1394 in the system menu
- startup windows again and during the startup I switched my camera on. This resulted in the detection of my Canon Camera etc.

When I configure the playback in HD or the other settings the camera accepts but as soon the firewirecable connected the playback setting in the menu becomes grey and no setting like HD is mentioned anymore. When I try to connect with MC5 or other program my camera is not sending a video signal which confirmed the grey playback setting on the camera which is not reflecting DV or HDV.

Is it necessary to send my camera for maintenance or do you have other advices?

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