Tapeless alternatives? at DVinfo.net
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Canon XH Series HDV Camcorders
Canon XH G1S / G1 (with SDI), Canon XH A1S / A1 (without SDI).

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Old July 17th, 2009, 03:56 PM   #1
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Tapeless alternatives?

So, I love my Canon XH-A1. Love it to death. I love being able to shoot tapeless thanks to a FireStore.

But here's the problem -- I miss the days when I could just yank my camera, run and shoot. I loathe having a FireWire cable running around my camera constantly, and the extra weight the FireStore adds.

Is there any card recorder out there that is small and lightweight that I could hook up to my A1 and record the .m2t file to? Or am I and my broke behind stuck with this set-up? It's okay, but I'd love to lose some weight without reverting to tape.
Canon EOS 7D, Final Cut Studio 2
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Old July 17th, 2009, 04:09 PM   #2
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Other than saving a little capture time...........there is nothing wrong with tape! I use a laptop and Serious Magic when shooting things such as stage performances. I also made an aluminum lightweight table which I use to hold the laptop when shooting outdoors from stationary positions. I also video directly to tape when on the move. But I know of no card that will capture (save) video in any length.
Phil Taylor is offline   Reply With Quote
Old July 17th, 2009, 04:21 PM   #3
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Have a look at the following

Sony HVR-MRC1K CF Card Recorder - The Digital Video Information Network

particularly the thread on Awesome news for Canon users.
Canon XH A1; Canon XF100; Nikon D800
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Old July 17th, 2009, 04:33 PM   #4
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Actually, I've had plenty of problems with tape. No problems with my FireStore. Never a dropped frame, and once I figured out how to work with the file structure, aside from the awkward weight, it's been pretty nice.
Canon EOS 7D, Final Cut Studio 2
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Old July 17th, 2009, 05:30 PM   #5
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on the subject

Which Firestore model are you guys using with the A1?
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Old July 20th, 2009, 06:48 AM   #6
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A few months ago I was planning to buy a Sony HVR-MRC1K for my xh-a1 but after reading about so many connection problems (it seems the HVR-MRC1K often has problems seeing the camera as a pc) I decided to go for the hvr dr60 which originally was quite expensive but since the compact flash version has been out it has dropped to almost to 60% of it's original price here in Europe making it cheaper then the Sony HVR-MRC1K if you take the 60gb storage into account. Now I use it together with the smallest sony battery available and it gives me approx 3 hours of recordingtime.
It actually is so light and small that I hardly feel the extra weight.
I wrote something about it in my blog, see here:
Sony HVR-DR60 in action|videograffiti
here you can see how I attached it
Sony HVR-DR60, attaching to a camera, part 3|videograffiti

I think that it doesn't get much smaller and lighter then this if you want to combine it with a tape based camera, also Sony is the champion when it comes to recordingtimes with their batteries. If the HVR-MRC1K would have functioned without any problem then I would have bought that one instead but it is also more difficult to attach to your camera in a placesaving way and that you are able to read all controlls. With the hvr-dr60 and the way I attached it to my camera I can monitor everything easily and the wheight has been placed back as far as possible and I can use my camera in a normal way.

I have had a major tapeproblem (loosing one hour of important footage) with my xh-a1 beginning this year which made me buy this ext device and I have not regretted it one minute. My next camera though will be Cf card based camera for sure like the hmc151 but that will be in about 3 years, until then my xh-a1 / hvr-dr60 combo will have to support my business.
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