Quick problem - possible to diminish Magenta bias from factory preset at DVinfo.net
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Canon XH Series HDV Camcorders
Canon XH G1S / G1 (with SDI), Canon XH A1S / A1 (without SDI).

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Old December 17th, 2008, 03:22 PM   #1
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Quick problem - possible to diminish Magenta bias from factory preset

Hi Everyone

I've only just bought a card reader/writer to avail of the wonderful presets I've read about in this forum, but have a shoot tomorrow and will have to rely on the XH-A1 factory preset for my filming.

Do any of you know how I might be able to slightly diminish the Magenta bias in the XH-A1 please? Is there anything I can tweak in the camera pertaining to colour balance perhaps?

All suggestions greatly appreciated.


EDIT: sorry if this question seems silly. It's just that I encountered a slight magenta bias in shots I took in a church and am hoping to 'cool' things in-camera.
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Old December 17th, 2008, 05:46 PM   #2
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Peter, it's actually not silly. The magenta bias has been covered here. I'd search the presets thread for a preset that I recollect was called something like NOMAGENT. I did a quick search but couldn't find it.

I cannot tell if you have a card for the camera or not. If you don't yet, you can download the preset to your computer. Then search the same for a little app that will let you build your own preset, or view/modify existing presets very easily. From that you can pull out the individual parameters quite simply.
Tripp Woelfel is offline   Reply With Quote
Old December 17th, 2008, 06:18 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Tripp Woelfel View Post
Peter, it's actually not silly. The magenta bias has been covered here. I'd search the presets thread for a preset that I recollect was called something like NOMAGENT. I did a quick search but couldn't find it.

I cannot tell if you have a card for the camera or not. If you don't yet, you can download the preset to your computer. Then search the same for a little app that will let you build your own preset, or view/modify existing presets very easily. From that you can pull out the individual parameters quite simply.
Thanks Tripp, yep I have a card but don't have a USB card reader/drive yet I'm afraid. I'm ordering one now but won't have the reader in time for my filming tomorrow. I'll have a browse for the NOMAGENT preset and see if I can emulate it by fiddling with the camera settings. Thanks again.

Have referred to the settings contained in the .xls spreadsheet at the following link:


EDIT: Looks pretty complicated. I think I'll just go with the standard preset settings for now so as to not jeopardise my filming tomorrow, but the various presets really look interesting and I'm looking forward to trying them out.
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Old December 19th, 2008, 03:00 PM   #4
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Really, a lot of the presets that people have created try to pull some of the reds out of the factory settings. I use PANALOOK a lot and VIVIDRGB. On PANALOOK I find that I have to add some red in my NLE when shooting people. So there are trade-offs with everything.

PANALOOK gives me a neutral image that I can tweak a lot. VIVIDRGB, as the name suggests, give me dark blacks and bright colors that really POP. I use this preset when shooting custom vehicles and their wild paint jobs really jump off of the screen.

I'm finding that I rely less and less on the preset and worry more about relevant footage (focus, zoom, angles, framing.)

Enjoy the A1.
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