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Canon XH Series HDV Camcorders
Canon XH G1S / G1 (with SDI), Canon XH A1S / A1 (without SDI).

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Old December 6th, 2007, 07:11 PM   #1
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Canon XHA1 Live I1394 feed

I have been fighting my new XHA1 for a couple of weeks now, and hope some0one can help. The camera works fine and records to tape fine, and the tape output feeds into the I1394 port on the computer fine. BUT - I cannot get any sort of 'live camera' into the computer with several video programs, namely, Vegas, Adobe Premiere, and Windows Movie Maker. I have tried with two seperate computers and have identical results. They all fail to recognize the Camera except on tape playback.
What is the secret for a live TV Cam feed? Thanks to any genius.
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Old December 7th, 2007, 02:22 PM   #2
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I don`t have problem with live picture in Adobe Premiere, Edius or of course Canon`s Console.
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Old December 7th, 2007, 10:04 PM   #3
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Canon XHA1 Live I1394 feed

IT works fine using FCP 5.1.4 on my MBP. There is a delay between the live image and the one in the playback window, however. What processor/program versions/OS are you using?

Last edited by Robert Phillips; December 7th, 2007 at 10:04 PM. Reason: spelling fix
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Old December 7th, 2007, 10:59 PM   #4
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Hi Richard................

Well, I tried a couple of things on my machine (as I'd never attempted to capture "live" before) and this is what I found:

1. Windows Movie Maker: Doesn't seem to want to know about 1394 connect anything. I may well be missing something but couldn't in the minute or so I played with it find any way to tell it that 1394 was the selected input.

(The "MS Speak" help system was, as per usual, about as usefull as an ash tray on a bicycle)

Result: Fail

2. Ulead Video Studio 10+: Worked a treat, first time, no problem. Bit of delay on the resultant screen display but not anything I'd worry about.

Result: Pass

3. Adobe Premier Elements 3: As this unlovely piece of software doesn't actually allow you to see what it's capturing in HD, I didn't even try it. Can't see why it wouldn't work tho', just means you can't see it as it's happening.

Result: Probable Pass.

So, if Adobe Premier (you didn't say what version) and Vegas allow "on screen" view of whatever it's capturing, I cannot see why they won't work for you "live".

Anything special? Well, I was in HD mode on the A1 (not entirely sure I even know how to switch it to SD mode, without the manual), plugged in the 1394 cable, fired up the camera (in "M" mode, NOT VCR!!!) and then fired up the software. Hit "capture" and there it was.


Last edited by Chris Soucy; December 7th, 2007 at 11:25 PM. Reason: Addition.
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Old December 8th, 2007, 12:27 PM   #5
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Thanks for all the thoughtful answers. I will try them all. And I didn't know Canon had a "Console." So I will try to get that. I really was hoping Movie Maker would work, because I have done lots of editing with it in the past, but not HD.
Vegas 7 is what I am trying to work with, but it is far more complicated; though it will capture live, wide screen video from the cam.
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Old December 8th, 2007, 07:57 PM   #6
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Hi Richard. I just tested out live capture through firewire using my XH-A1 in HDV mode and Vegas 7 running on XP SP2. It works fine. Of course you have to use the "internal" capture application, but I assume you already set that. I connected the cam and switched it on before starting Vegas, but not sure if that makes a difference.

I also tried it with the DV Downconvert set to both Off and ON, and both of these worked OK.

I also tried it with the cam set to record in SD 4:3 format, and this worked too, with Vegas set to use the "External" capture application.

I am a bit confused by your posts though. The first one says

"I cannot get any sort of 'live camera' into the computer with several video programs"

and the last one says

"Vegas 7 is what I am trying to work with, but it is far more complicated; though it will capture live, wide screen video from the cam"

You seem to be saying that Vegas will capture live, widescreen video, so what is it that is not working?

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Old December 10th, 2007, 09:35 PM   #7
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I should not have said Vegas would capture live TV. The several video programs I have all act the same: they will pick up the recorded video from the VCR/PLAY position, but when I switch to ANY of the 'camera' positions, I get a blank screen. This has been tried two ways. 1, turn the cam off and wait for the ding dong. 2. Run the switch past the off position as fast as I can and get no ding-dong. Either way gives me the blank screen but no video.
My system is XP PRO with SP2.
Canon support told me to use the Green "M" camera position, but all of them work the same for me - no video.
Besides Vegas I have Adobe Premiere and Windows Movie Maker.
All act exactly the same. By the way I tried it on two seperate computers, with same result. Both have XP SP2.
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Old December 10th, 2007, 09:37 PM   #8
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O forgot to ask, what do you mean by "internal capture?"
Do you mean the Video program "capture mode?" In that case the answer is yes.
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Old December 10th, 2007, 10:45 PM   #9
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Hi again...........

Richard B.-

You still haven't said what version of Adobe Premier you're using, and as I can only test with PE3 it leaves me at a bit of a disadvantage.

However, having read the posts subsequent to my last one, I thought I'd try PE3 just to see what happens.

OK, well, fired up PE3, connected and powered up the camera in "M" mode, hit "get video from digital camcorder", let it run for 10 seconds, then hit "stop capture". Drag thumbnail to timeline and hey presto, recorded live video from camera.

If, as you say, the video captures perfectly from the tape feed and not in "live" mode, I'm starting to suspect you may have some wild and wonderfull fault with the camera itself, where it isn't feeding the 1394 port in anything but "VCR" mode.

My suggestion at this point is to beg/ borrow/ steal another 1394 connect camera and see if that works. If yes, the A1 is highly suspect.

If not, it can only be you, especially if it won't work on two seperate systems.

Now, this is really "out there", but you did take the lens cap off - didn't you? (or have you got one of the rare "Canon Centenary" models which is transparent?).

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Old December 11th, 2007, 01:50 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Richard Blanchard View Post
O forgot to ask, what do you mean by "internal capture?"
Do you mean the Video program "capture mode?" In that case the answer is yes.
Vegas has 2 capture programs. The "Internal" one is used for HDV capture, the "External" for DV capture. You select which one to use under Preferences/Video.

Try this (as a long shot - see what happens):

1. Set the camera Downconvert to OFF. (So it always outputs HDV).

2. In Vegas, deselect the Use External Capture Application option. (So it always looks for HDV).

3. Hook up the camera firewire to the PC. Switch on the cam (I used A mode when I tried it).

4. In Vegas, select File/Capture Video. Check the preview window for video image.

5. Click the Record button, then click the Stop button after a few seconds. You should have captured a file.

6. Close the capture app and see if the captured file appears in the Project Media list.
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Old December 11th, 2007, 01:26 PM   #11
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Thanks for your various answers,. I checked Adobe, and could not find a "version Number." It is simply "Adobe Premiere Pro."
I have done more with Vegas at this point. And I will keep trying.
One more answer: I already sent the first cam back, and this one acts the same, so my first one was probably OK;
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Old December 11th, 2007, 06:40 PM   #12
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Well in Vegas I checked and could not find a "Use External Camera Capture Application." All I could find was "External Control" under options.
I tried that setting off and difference, and no video except from VCR/Play.
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Old December 12th, 2007, 04:51 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by Richard Blanchard View Post
Well in Vegas I checked and could not find a "Use External Camera Capture Application." All I could find was "External Control" under options.
I tried that setting off and difference, and no video except from VCR/Play.
Hi Richard. It is under Options/Preferences/Video. There is a checkbox for Use External Video Capture Application. Deselect it if it is checked.

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Old December 12th, 2007, 03:33 PM   #14
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Well now today another disaster! When I hit capture, in Vegas, even in the VCR/Play mode, up comes a message saying "no device selected," even though the Cam is turned on and recognized by the computer with the ding dong. In several attempts, turning the cam off and on, and unplugging the firewire cable, in various sequential orders, I get no feed at all from the camera in any mode.
At the same time, Adobe Premiere PRO brings up the recorded feed normally, but it still will not see a live feed.
I get a message "Camera Mode" with a blank screen, and if I hit "record" another message "Try Incrreasing Pre-Roll."
Back to Vegas 7, perhaps I need to re-install or somehow fix it.
Thanks to you guys who seem to have this working effortlessly!
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Old December 12th, 2007, 05:01 PM   #15
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Well, sad to relate, but I re-installed Vegas 7 again, and no change.
No capture, either from tape or live cam. Only Adobe 6.5 or 7.0 will caprure from tape, still no live feed.
Thanks for your answers; I am ready to give up and never get to use firewire. A simple feed of analog to Movie Maker from a small digital camera is to be my fate. Farewell, cruel world.
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