Moving shots end up being very jerky at
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Canon XH Series HDV Camcorders
Canon XH G1S / G1 (with SDI), Canon XH A1S / A1 (without SDI).

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Old November 5th, 2007, 05:01 AM   #1
Major Player
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Location: Gainesville, VA, USA
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Moving shots end up being very jerky

I've got some footage with pans while on a tripod and some shots using a steadicam. This footage is just slightly jerky when I view the captured or edited video on my PC. I've recored the edited version to tape and it looks as good on an HDTV as it does on my PC monitor (from a jerkyness point of view). However, when I encode the video to a web viewable format such as Quicktime, WMV or Flash Video I find the slightest motion causes a jerky video.

The footage was shot at 24f.

I've tried various formats with various bitrates going up to a bitrate of 10,000 with no luck. The video above was encoded at 5,000.

So is this an HDV issue, or 24f issue and/or an encoding issue?

I'd appreciate and help with this.


Canon XH-A1, Libec LS-55M, Letus Extreme, Steadicam Merlin, PPro CS3
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Old November 5th, 2007, 05:45 AM   #2
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Location: Espoo Finland
Posts: 380
The first thing that comes to mind (almost always) with these problems is some kind of de-interlacing issue. Maybe the fields are in the wrong order somewhere, or the each alternating frame are composed from odd and even fields. It looks like the picture was jumping up and down one line.
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Old November 5th, 2007, 11:49 PM   #3
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Gainesville, VA, USA
Posts: 327

I think you're kind of correct. Because I couldn't export a 24f project on PPro CS3 to tape and actually edited this footage in a 30p project. When exported to tape I don't see this kind of thing. But when encoded to Quicktime, WMV or Flash Video I do.

When I encode the footage to QT, WMV or Flash Video from a 24p project I don't get this issue. So it looks like I'm going to have to maintain 2 projects when I shoot in 24f and intend to export the edited footage to tape.

Thanks for your help.

Canon XH-A1, Libec LS-55M, Letus Extreme, Steadicam Merlin, PPro CS3
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