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Canon XH Series HDV Camcorders
Canon XH G1S / G1 (with SDI), Canon XH A1S / A1 (without SDI).

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Old September 10th, 2007, 07:01 AM   #1
New Boot
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Gold Coast, Australia
Posts: 5
Shooting advice needed...

Hi all,

In two weeks time I will be documenting a week long event called the National Uni games. A bunch of universities nation wide go to one town and compete in a range of sports are played but the partying each night is of equal importance to the competitors. I will be following a basketball men’s & women’s team through the week, getting some footage of the games, interviewing the members and also shooting the night time craziness which is taken up by rookie/veteran traditions and themed parties at various venues.

I own a Xh A1 and a HV20, average shotgun mic, decent tripod. Basically I just thought I’d ask if anyone has filmed an event in anyway similar to this and had any tips or suggestions. Having never done this before I’m trying to be as prepared as I can be, don’t want to have too many regrets at the end of the week and I know it’s going to be a steep learning curve throughout the week as well.

A couple of questions that come to mind are;
Should I shoot 50i or 25f as there will be a mixture of sports footage and normal ?
I have a mate that has a Canon Xm2, should I have him using that or the HV20..?
Is it best to use the XH A1 for wider shots and getting closer ones with the HV20 when using both at the same time..?
I have the WD-72, should I use that the majority of time, or only if the room is on the smaller side..?
How much usage is too much? I’m aware the camera can heat up after a while, is there an average time limit recommended for using XH A1..?

These are probably all pretty blasé questions, I know there's some other ones in the back of mind but thats where they seem to be staying right now. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Steven Fisher is offline   Reply With Quote
Old September 10th, 2007, 07:25 AM   #2
Join Date: Sep 2001
Location: Northern VA
Posts: 4,489
Since you have a few days, setup some test shots reflecting typical situations with each camcorder and alternative setting to see which option best meets your artistic intent. Check the HV10/20 forum for comments on its use.

The answer to some of your questions are situation, and also will depend in part on the intended final delivery format and use.

Shooting 50i should give smoother motion, if that is a concern.

I would use the WD-72 only when necessary to get the shot.

In a reasonable operating environment, I suspect that the shooter will probably tire to the point of shooting garbage footage before the camcorder needs a rest.
Don Palomaki is offline   Reply With Quote
Old September 10th, 2007, 07:28 AM   #3
Inner Circle
Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: Aus
Posts: 3,884
Should I shoot 50i or 25f as there will be a mixture of sports footage and normal ?

((50i for the sports segments, don't forget to jack up the shutter. 25p for the Vox Pops and other stuff))

I have a mate that has a Canon Xm2, should I have him using that or the HV20..?

((I wouldn't bother with either.. but if it was s tossup, it'd be the HV20 simply for the HD))

Is it best to use the XH A1 for wider shots and getting closer ones with the HV20 when using both at the same time..?

((with a 20x optical zoom thats dead fast with almost snap focus (DSLR EF like), id use the A1 for most key shots, and the HV20 for wide cutaways. Don't forget, the more you zoom the more light you lose.. better to use 1/3CCD when attaining long tele shots))

I have the WD-72, should I use that the majority of time, or only if the room is on the smaller side..?

((Use it how you see fit.. whatever looks good dude))

How much usage is too much? I’m aware the camera can heat up after a while, is there an average time limit recommended for using XH A1..?

((None that i know of.. all camera heat up, but considering the A1 is usd by alot of wedding videographers who shoot countless hours at a time (on long stretches (i.e., long ceremonies) and I've yet to hear a complaint, I think you should be okay))

These are probably all pretty blasé questions,

((No such thing))

I know there's some other ones in the back of mind but thats where they seem to be staying right now. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

((I think you should work out a game plan as to how you're going to execute this. What kind of shots do you need, what is the story your trying to convey, will your interviews be Vox Pop or are they preset, will you be allowed to film in certain areas of clubs or gatherings? what is the point of the project and how do you keep that point at the forefront of what you're doing..

I've done a lot of corporate work in this fashion and above everything else, like anything to do with video really, having a plan ALWAYS helps.
Peter Jefferson is offline   Reply

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