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Canon XF Series 4K and HD Camcorders
Canon XF705, XF405, XF305, XF205 and XF105 (with SDI), Canon XF400, XF300, XF200 and XF100 (without SDI).

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Old June 30th, 2011, 10:43 PM   #1
New Boot
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Setting Virtual Media


New to this camera, on my Mac I have the XF Utility updated to V1.1.0. Which in theory allows one to set a virtual media folder on either an internal or external drive. This is then in theory visible by the XF Utility.

And will allow me to give the editor a drive with several days of material in one hit, and he can then preview and select clips in the XF utility prior to export.

Problem is that we cannot set the Virtual Media Folder either on Mac or PC. Anyone have any experience on this.

Thanks in advance.
Mark R Olsen
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Old July 1st, 2011, 01:35 AM   #2
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Re: Setting Virtual Media

If you have copied the CONTENTS folder and all its subfolders and content to the HDD, it works.
If you have renamed the CONTENTS folder on the HDD or only used the Export To MXF feature, it won't work.

If you are using version 1.0, upgrade to version 1.1. :)
Roger Averdahl is offline   Reply With Quote
Old July 2nd, 2011, 10:06 AM   #3
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Re: Setting Virtual Media

Originally Posted by Mark R. Olsen View Post

New to this camera, on my Mac I have the XF Utility updated to V1.1.0. Which in theory allows one to set a virtual media folder on either an internal or external drive. This is then in theory visible by the XF Utility.

And will allow me to give the editor a drive with several days of material in one hit, and he can then preview and select clips in the XF utility prior to export.

Problem is that we cannot set the Virtual Media Folder either on Mac or PC. Anyone have any experience on this.

Thanks in advance.
I'm confused, Mark... Again, I'm a PC guy, but I think it works the same on both. When I mount a card in the card reader and open up the XF utility, it sees the files on the drive - ok so far?

Then you create a Virtual folder on the internal and/or external drive where you want it. You'll probably have to create a folder first ("Make New Folder" in the PC XF utility)...

Then I select all the clips within the card on the screen in the XF utility, drag them to the newly created virtual media folder, and just drop them there. The XF utility copies ALL THE NECESSARY FILES, ETC - you don't have to deal with any folders yourself. All the files, data, CP settings - everything is now in your virtual folder.

Hope this helps,

Larry Becker is offline   Reply With Quote
Old July 2nd, 2011, 10:30 PM   #4
New Boot
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Re: Setting Virtual Media

Thanks for the replies, I got it sorted but have been to busy to post until now.
Essentially the first thing to do is drag some files from the CF card into a folder on your hard or external drive. This is necessary to allow the XF Utility to set it as virtual media.
The other thing I did wrong was that although I had preserved the CONTENTS name and file structure, I had created 2 levels above it with Day One 1\ Disk One type of details. It would appear the XF Utility will only let you create 1 level above the CONTENTS.
Again thanks for the responses.
Mark R Olsen
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Old July 2nd, 2011, 10:50 PM   #5
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Re: Setting Virtual Media

Glad you got it "sorted"!

On the PC, I can make the Virtual media folder first, then drag the files from the card to the newly created media folder.

So, I can have Day One Background Shoot as a main folder, then create a Background Day 1 Card 1 Virtual media folder under that Day One folder, Card 2, Card 3, etc, THEN copy the files from the card to the newly created virtual media folder. I do this on the internal drive of the pc I'm working on and also on an external USB 3 3-TB drive, using the XF Utility software each time. I don't deal with the "Contents" folders at all. Never see them. I work directly with the clip icons/previews.

A USB 3 cardreader dumps a full 32g Sandisk Extreme 60MB/s card in about 8 minutes, and the copying from the External USB 3 drive to the main laptop or pc is a little quicker, so there really isn't too much time taken up by using the XF Utility. I tried it with a regular USB 2 cardreader and it took almost a half hour - heck no... went hunting for a USB 3 reader.

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Old July 8th, 2011, 12:17 AM   #6
New Boot
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Re: Setting Virtual Media

Thanks Larry,

I am under control now. Appreciate your comments on USB 3, when I got my RED Camera in 2008 I had to go hunting for a Firewire Card reader which I still use on the Mac. Speeds things up. Happy shooting.
Mark R Olsen
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