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Canon XF Series 4K and HD Camcorders
Canon XF705, XF405, XF305, XF205 and XF105 (with SDI), Canon XF400, XF300, XF200 and XF100 (without SDI).

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Old June 20th, 2011, 07:04 AM   #1
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Workflow Help Needed

I am struggling with something and hope its user error and easily fixable.

On long recordings such as weddings, I want to import the clips in longer runs, not several little clips.
I also am hoping there is an easier way to import each clip than digging into each folder, subfolder and dragging each MXF into Adobe Premier.

Isn't there an easier way to import all the clips on the card into Adobe Premier rather than each small segment at a time.

Sorry if this is elementary, I am used to using Sony EX1r's and their software converts each card into long video clips.

Please let me know how your importing clips to your editing software.
2 Canon XF305's
Kyser Photography
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Old June 20th, 2011, 07:46 AM   #2
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Re: Workflow Help Needed

Originally Posted by Denny Kyser View Post
Please let me know how your importing clips to your editing software.
1. Make sure to import the CONTENTS folder and all its content and subfolders to your hard drive
2. In Premiere Pro CS5 or CS5.5, use the Media Browser
3. Select the files and drag them to the Project panel or press Ctrl+Alt+I to import them
4. Done

If you skip step 1 and/or rename the CONTENTS folder it will not work as expected.

CS5.5 will bring in spanned clips while CS5 will bring in each separate clip. In CS5 you will have to manually place the clips adjacent to each other.

File > Import and then selecting the CONTENTS folder and click on Import Folder does the trick as well, but bring in spanned clips as individual clips in CS5.5 as well. They are spanned, but you might end up with three clips that have the same length and have the same content and thats confusing imo. The Media Browser is the way to go! :)

Hum, i don't have CS5 installed and i am unsure if XF media is supported correctly i by the Media Browser. What version of Premiere Pro do you use, 1.0 or CS5.5?
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Old June 20th, 2011, 09:07 AM   #3
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Re: Workflow Help Needed

Originally Posted by Roger Averdahl View Post
1. Make sure to import the CONTENTS folder and all its content and subfolders to your hard drive
2. In Premiere Pro CS5 or CS5.5, use the Media Browser
3. Select the files and drag them to the Project panel or press Ctrl+Alt+I to import them
4. Done

If you skip step 1 and/or rename the CONTENTS folder it will not work as expected.

CS5.5 will bring in spanned clips while CS5 will bring in each separate clip. In CS5 you will have to manually place the clips adjacent to each other.

File > Import and then selecting the CONTENTS folder and click on Import Folder does the trick as well, but bring in spanned clips as individual clips in CS5.5 as well. They are spanned, but you might end up with three clips that have the same length and have the same content and thats confusing imo. The Media Browser is the way to go! :)

Hum, i don't have CS5 installed and i am unsure if XF media is supported correctly i by the Media Browser. What version of Premiere Pro do you use, 1.0 or CS5.5?
Thank You, I am using CS5 but will upgrade to CS5.5 if it makes my workflow better.
When using 2 XF305's I will pay the $399 to upgrade my production suite if it simplifies the workflow.

Again thanks for the help, been frustrating having to keep navigating through folders to get the files.

I am using Mac if that makes a difference.
2 Canon XF305's
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Old June 20th, 2011, 10:32 AM   #4
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Re: Workflow Help Needed

I'm on a pc using CS 5.5 (the upgrade is HIGHLY recommended for this camera!), and I use the Canon XF utility software (ver. 1.1-do the upgrade on this as well if you haven't) to make a Virtual media folder on my external USB 3.0 drive, then simply import the files right into CS 5.5. CS 5.5 only finds the video files and there's no messing around with combining clips or anything. I just edited a 26 minute video clip and I had no issues with joining files or figuring out which file is which. It just worked.

I make a Virtual Media folder for each card I import, and lable the folder for what the content is. You can also use the XF utility software to put a header on each file so your camera names the file for you. I think this is great - otherwise you'd end up with endless randomly named files that you'd have to look at one by one. The software maintains the CP data so you can tell how your camera was set as well.

What the XF utility ISN'T great for is file management. It is hard to use the software to navigate around to look at virtual media you've previously created. It doesn't always seem to recognize it. Maybe it's because I'm using an external drive to switch back and forth between my laptop and my desktop (main workstation).

So... I'd make a subdirectory/folder for, say, Brown Wedding June 2011. Under that I'd make Virtual media folders for each card, which can be individually named (ceremony, reception, first fight - haha - I'm a minister so I can joke). That would give you some decent chance of finding the files again. When you have Premiere create the video, I suggest you save the Premiere to that main Brown Wedding folder. That way the Premiere file is with the data, and when you archive it, it will all be together. Tricky stuff...

Another thought - I've read some people advocating uploading files right from the CF cards to Premiere... That will work -once-, but it won't get the raw video data on the computer. When Premiere loads in the video files, it doesn't actually load in the file - it is using a link and will expect the file to be at that same location ALL THE TIME. You have to have a working directory on your HD for that project. Don't work off of the files on your CF card.

I know this is from a PC perspective, but hope it helps. I'm anxious to hear other responses, too... thanks for asking the question!

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Old June 20th, 2011, 11:28 AM   #5
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Re: Workflow Help Needed

Originally Posted by Denny Kyser View Post
I am using Mac if that makes a difference.
It's the same workflow on the Mac. :)

Larry mention the XF Utility and i am personally sceptical to utility applications that comes with cameras, but the XF Utility is a great software that really helps when it comes to organize clips, lets say move clips from three different cards to one virtual card that XF Utility creates. I really fell in love with that software when i discovered how much it can help me with organizing clips and cards. :)
XF Utility always recognizes all cards when i re-launc the application. I don't use external drives though.

Larry, i laughed when i read "first fight"! Thats something to add as an eastern egg to the DVD/Blu-ray, or not... ;)
Roger Averdahl is offline   Reply

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