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Canon XF Series 4K and HD Camcorders
Canon XF705, XF405, XF305, XF205 and XF105 (with SDI), Canon XF400, XF300, XF200 and XF100 (without SDI).

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Old September 17th, 2010, 08:22 AM   #76
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Hd xm1?

Is this the "HD XM1" that I've wanted for the last 4 years? Maybe... It certainly looks very interesting, and I'm eagerly looking forward to reading about it's capabilities, in it's own right and relative to the small JVC and Panasonic cameras.

I'll keep an open mind about the single chip design, and the missing red stripe on the lens until there's some comparitive footage available. Given how increadibly good the XF300 is supposed to be, I'm hopeful that the XF100 will punch above its weight, too. Personally, I'd prefer a longer zoom to the (impressive) width at the wide end. I've become used to the 650mm-equivalent reach of the XH-A1 and think I'd miss it. As was pointed out earlier, 3-chip designs and (especially) long zoom ranges cost money and add weight.

The pre-record cache is a great idea, but 3 seconds isn't quite long enough. A friend has the Sony CF recorder, which has a longer cache (10-seconds I think), which has saved his bacon several times. Is this something that can be "tweaked" before the final production units start to roll? Please?

What's the zoom like? Is it smooth? Is it controllable? Is it slow? I was underwhelmed by the zooms on the JVC HM100 and Panasonic HMC40. I love the constant-speed option on the XH-A1, with the little selector wheel exactly where I want it, and really like the sound of the improvements in the XH-A1s (though I've not tried one out). Is there a LANC socket for a zoom controller (ZR1000 and ZR2000 allow constant zoom speeds)? I couldn't spot one on the photos at the start of this thread.

What about the audio? The exhibition pictures show simple A/M switches (auto vs. manual I guess) for each channel, implying it probably doesn't have the "limiter" type controls in the XH-A1s. Shame. Never mind, it's got the internal/external switches that everyone clamoured for after the original XH-A1 arrived.

I know the Custom Picture settings are really useful for some people, but the complexity of the XH-A1 is rather beyond me. I use a couple of the gamma settings (black stretch sometimes , "Cine Gamma 1" most of the time) and the noise reduction in low light. A handful of carefully chosen factory presets (to use as starting points) would be a useful addition.

There was speculation earlier about what an XF-200 might look like. Given how long Canon left the yawning gap between HV40 and XH-A1 unfilled, I'd say there's no certainty that there'll be one. If there is, I'd guess at an XH-A1 with the XF encoder and CF-card recorder in place of the HDV encoder and tape drive. I think I'd be happy with an XF120 - just like an XF100 but with a 40 - 600mm equivalent x15 zoom. How about it, Canon?
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Old September 18th, 2010, 10:34 PM   #77
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What are people's thoughts about this camera as a balcony long shot backup to the XF300 in weddings?
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Old September 19th, 2010, 04:27 AM   #78
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No one knows for sure yet .. but some reviews should be out before we're able to grab one.

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Old September 19th, 2010, 07:22 AM   #79
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Originally Posted by Tim Bakland View Post
What are people's thoughts about this camera as a balcony long shot backup to the XF300 in weddings?
We don't have much info on the camera yet, but...

I think that'd be a terrific use for the new cam. Lock it down, catch all the action in a wide shot, then use the 300 for the close-ups.
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Old September 19th, 2010, 11:41 AM   #80
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When I saw this camera, that was my first thought. It would probably make a very cost effective "wide" shot camera, and the 300 used for everything else.
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Old September 19th, 2010, 02:09 PM   #81
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I started video 8 years ago with the Canon GL2 and still use it sometimes, but mostly use my XHA1S. My problem has been for my work the XHA1S is too big many times. I bought an HV40 last year and it works great but does not have the control I like. The new XF100 is the perfect replacement for the GL2 and I am thrilled Canon is coming out with a great HD replacement for the GL2! The GL2 has always been a perfect size camera for street shooting and most of the stuff I video. The question for me is will I still need the XHA1S?

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Old September 19th, 2010, 04:21 PM   #82
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I have the XH A1, and am considering going tapeless. I am interested in comparisons betwen the XF 100 and the XH A1 (regarding video quality, ability to tweak settings, etc.). As soon as someone has some hands-on experience with both, it would be nice to hear from them! I'm wondering if the XF 100 would be a good replacement for the A1 (I can't afford the XF 300).

Last edited by Stephen Sobel; September 19th, 2010 at 04:22 PM. Reason: added one more sentence.
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Old September 26th, 2010, 09:26 AM   #83
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No way to run a shoulder strap through?
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Old October 5th, 2010, 07:47 AM   #84
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Found this on Youtube. This camera is really compact.
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Old October 5th, 2010, 08:47 AM   #85
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Thanks for that Jason. This camera looks fantastic, and a great option for people like me who used to own cameras like the PDX10 a few years back. It'll be interesting to see how it compares with the competition, but knowing Canon it'll be a winner.
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Old October 5th, 2010, 03:55 PM   #86
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It does look like a great camcorder. I'm still interested in hearings opinions on how it compares with the XH-A1.
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Old October 5th, 2010, 04:24 PM   #87
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Looking at getting 3 XF105's over time to replace some Sony PD170's.. had a quick play with them at IBC and they seem like great value for money..
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Old October 6th, 2010, 01:39 AM   #88
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Just one note of caution - PD170's were excellent performers in low light. Not sure how these Canon's would compare with them on this specific aspect (which may or may not be important for your shooting needs).
Andy K Wilkinson -
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Old October 6th, 2010, 07:07 AM   #89
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Originally Posted by Sander Vreuls View Post
Looking at getting 3 XF105's over time to replace some Sony PD170's.. had a quick play with them at IBC and they seem like great value for money..
Has anyone seen any concrete pricing info yet? If it's priced too low, it will destroy the market for the XH-A1, and if it's the same price as the A1, it will be seen as overpriced despite the better codec.
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Old October 6th, 2010, 07:23 AM   #90
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The XF105 and XF100 aren't shipping until first quarter of 2011, and
firm pricing most likely won't be determined until then. With a few
notable exceptions, the trend with Canon is to overprice by about
25% or so (and this has always been by biggest complaint with
them). In my opinion, you can expect the initial MSRP to be
about $1000 too high. I'll bet you dinner at a fancy restaurant
that the MSRP will be *higher* than that of the XH A1S.

The XF105 / 100 will not "destroy the market" for the XH series.
We're at the point now very far into the XH series lifespan that
the market for the XH A1S will very soon be only with those who
are specifically looking for HDV, a tape-based recording medium.
The A1S and G1S are still current, but I doubt they'll ever be
replaced -- we are just about done with tape altogether.

Originally Posted by Mark Fry View Post
Is there a LANC socket for a zoom controller (ZR1000 and ZR2000 allow constant zoom speeds)?
Yes, there is a LANC jack -- they're calling it a Remote jack these days but it's the exact same thing.

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