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Canon VIXIA Series AVCHD and HDV Camcorders
For VIXIA / LEGRIA Series (HF G, HF S, HF and HV) consumer camcorders.

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Old July 10th, 2007, 02:03 PM   #16
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view over Firewire w/ VLC instead?

Here's an alternative:
If you simply want to view the HV20 (or HV10) video output on a computer monitor, but you don't have HDMI or component inputs on the monitor-
but you DO have 1394/firewire on your connected & running PC-

you could connect and view via firewire, using VideoLan's free VLC player. It will display incoming firewire stream (and deinterlace nicely) just fine.

Connect up your cam in HDV firewire, mode,
start VLC & do:
File menu, Open Capture Device... , DirectShow tab, select your HDV device (may have to refresh), click OK, and press play :)

This obviously isn't a help for monitor-only setups (eg in the field), or where the PC is busy or doesn't have firewire, but a lot less hassle than buying a new monitor or hacking about w/ DVI adapters. :)
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Old July 10th, 2007, 06:11 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Colin Gould View Post
Here's an alternative:
If you simply want to view the HV20 (or HV10) video output on a computer monitor, but you don't have HDMI or component inputs on the monitor-
but you DO have 1394/firewire on your connected & running PC-

you could connect and view via firewire, using VideoLan's free VLC player. It will display incoming firewire stream (and deinterlace nicely) just fine.

Connect up your cam in HDV firewire, mode,
start VLC & do:
File menu, Open Capture Device... , DirectShow tab, select your HDV device (may have to refresh), click OK, and press play :)

This obviously isn't a help for monitor-only setups (eg in the field), or where the PC is busy or doesn't have firewire, but a lot less hassle than buying a new monitor or hacking about w/ DVI adapters. :)
Wow Colin.....I just did this and it works perfectly. I have a thought....but....what's stoping someone from writing a script to capture this off the VLC player into a decent codec of choice??? If it's after HDV compression ....then....it's not worth it....but if not....then ....wow.

edit: Apparently it can capture....but not necessarily as I thought.
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Old July 15th, 2007, 03:18 PM   #18
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HDMI to DVI works

I have done this a number of times, in fact, that is the setup I use to play back edited Windows Media HD shows from my laptop.

I use the DVI to HDMI cables from Sams Club or Comprehensive, an audio cable from computer headphone out to DVI/HDMI audio in on my HDTV, and the Sony 52" LCD.

There are a few tricks to doing this. HDTV s normally cut off a little of the image, which is a problem is working with computer because it clips of the taskbar. You also need an HDTV with an HDMI that can take separate audio if need be. When doing this, I set the TV to eliminate the overscan and show all the pixels.

Connecting the HV20 is even easier. The TV has another convenience HDMI on the side, however this one requires bundled audio with the HDMI so it is not a good one for the computer.

I have run the HV30 through there a few times with success.

Some TVs like the Sharp require a change deep in the menu system when doing the DVI to HDMI thing. On a non-1080p tv, it is not possible on a Sharp to eliminate the overscan.
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Old July 15th, 2007, 11:32 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Ian G. Thompson View Post
Wow Colin.....I just did this and it works perfectly. I have a thought....but....what's stoping someone from writing a script to capture this off the VLC player into a decent codec of choice??? If it's after HDV compression ....then....it's not worth it....but if not....then ....wow.

edit: Apparently it can capture....but not necessarily as I thought.
I'm assuming it's after the HDV compression, since that is the data coming over the firewire :) I hadn't thought/ability to check live monitor/capture, but I doubt my monitor is good enough to notice any difference.

I believe yes it will also capture, just the raw M2T transport stream like HDVsplit would (but not scene split obviously)
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