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Canon VIXIA Series AVCHD and HDV Camcorders
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Old July 8th, 2007, 01:15 PM   #16
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Maybe tying something like this between the tripod and your belt would have made it harder for the thief to perform his act...
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Old July 8th, 2007, 02:05 PM   #17
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I honestly think this was a freak occurrence... I wouldn't be too worried about it (to the other owners)

I feel really bad, I've left my camera on the field where I was filming for 5-10 minutes and walked away... I haven't had anything stolen, which is fortunate... lost filters and batteries though :(
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Old July 8th, 2007, 02:11 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Nathan Shane View Post
Your story just convinced me to attach some kind of leash that connects my camera/tripod to my belt when I'm out in public.
Originally Posted by Allan Black View Post
A clip on security belt for the tripod is a good idea. For HV20 handheld use, Canon have a WS20 wrist strap accessory, very well worth it when you're shooting anywhere.

Until you turn to go talk to somebody and pull your tripod and camera rig onto the ground.

Tethering yourself to your tripod seems like a terrible idea to me.
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Old July 8th, 2007, 06:40 PM   #19
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Circle of barbed/razor-wire around the base of the tripod.?. Electrified tripod!

What about one of those motion-sensing alarm thingies? Motion-sensing alarm and "electrified tripod" sign just might work...
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Old July 9th, 2007, 08:37 AM   #20
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I live in Philly, which has been undergoing a tremendous economic and cultural renaissance in recent years, but still has a few bad apples living here. I've gotten maybe 150 feet from my unattended HV20 (to get action shots of myself), but fortunately no one has made off with it yet. After hearing your story, I'll be more careful with my HV20.

In other threads, professionals complain that the HV20 looks like a cheap toy camera. I've always been glad that the HV20 doesn't even look like the $1k camera that it is, since it's couple-hundred-dollar appearance makes it less of a target for theft.
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Old July 9th, 2007, 09:37 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by Joe Sirbak View Post
In other threads, professionals complain that the HV20 looks like a cheap toy camera. I've always been glad that the HV20 doesn't even look like the $1k camera that it is, since it's couple-hundred-dollar appearance makes it less of a target for theft.
Funny you bring this up, because I told a friend I got an HDV camera and he was expecting to see some rig that looked huge and more professional. I tried explaining that it's the image the HV20 is capable of capturing that gives it its value. So I think you're right, a much more professional looking camera would definitely attract more attention from would-be robbers.
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Old July 9th, 2007, 09:40 AM   #22
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I guess I've been lucky

edit: i just read your post and all the replies. I really feel you pain and no how you feel. this will make me a wiser person and perhaps save me the same grief. you can read my story below which now seems like I was so lucky and stupid. thanks for your post.

I don't know if it's the nature of the people that attend these events but last year I was filming an outdoor bluegrass show at Bean Blossom, Indiana and was informed by a friend of mine that there was a severe storm approaching. We both decided to rush back to our tents about 500 yards away and completely out of site of where I was sitting filming. I didn't even give it a second thought, I set my camera to a wide angle to capture the whole band that was playing and left it on the tripod recording while I went back to batton down my tent. When I returned, the wind was kicking up, lighting was all over and it had just started to spit a few drops. The stage had been abandoned and most people were scrampling to get out of there. I grabbed my camera and tripod, got the camera in a bag and headed back to the tent. By the time I got to the tent, the storm seemed to be so severe, I decided to wait it out in my car. Now here is the kicker to top this off. I viewed the most remarkable film I ever shot while the camera taped when I was gone. Their was a standalone performer who finished one song and as he started his second song he said "now folks, just get up an leave if it starts to rain". He continued singing for about a minute and than you could see lightning and leaves blowing around over the heads of people in the audience. Than there was some lightning and the performer looked around and just walked off the stage. You could see whole rows of people rise up from there seats and proceed out of the area. I could not believe the coolest thing I ever saw on tape and I wasn't even there.

Also remarkable of course is the fact, that the camera was not stollen. This past trip, I rigged up a mic stand with a good dynamic mic up aobout 8 feet in the air in front of the speaker farm for recording. I was able to run a cable across and up the isle to my seat so I could plug it into my XLR-Pro adaptor. I actually snuck the cable up under a have moon PVC pipe hwer the snake was run up to the sound control station. The point I was going to make though was that I left the stand and the mic in place for the whole week, night and day. I of course would have pulled the mic down if I heard there was rain in the forcast. By the way, this approach to capturing audio worked great. I positioned my chair on an isle about 7 rows back and needed to string 3 XLR cables together to reach my seat. Everyone sets up their chairs and leaves them for however many days they will attend the festival. In a lot of cases their chairs or left in a spot for the whole week. When you not using your chair, it is understood that anyone can use it but they would be expected to give it up if you show. That's how many bluegrass festivals work.
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Old July 9th, 2007, 10:23 PM   #23
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I Hate That !!

I had my very 1st digi camcorder stolen on my Birthday. We came back from dinner and the door to the house was kicked in, took my camera, DVD players all my movies , went through the jewelry.
I think I would have been more angry though had they ripped it from my hands. If I were a betting man Id say: "Just another bottom dwelling meth-head." He'll be dead long before the camera warranty runs out.

Im sorry this happned to you :-(
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