HV20 questions from a newbie at DVinfo.net
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Canon VIXIA Series AVCHD and HDV Camcorders
For VIXIA / LEGRIA Series (HF G, HF S, HF and HV) consumer camcorders.

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Old April 4th, 2007, 04:04 PM   #1
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Posts: 26
HV20 questions from a newbie

Just like a few other members on this forum I am looking to purchase a pal HV20 as soon as it is available. Just need enlightening on a few grey areas. Any response wil be much appreciated.

1. Regarding audio, what adapter is needed in order to use a professional microphone (eg. me66?) , how much is it, and where can they be purchased?
What mic would you guys recommend?

2. 25p is priority, will premiere pro 2 (my app of choice) be able to injest the footage? Will it also be able to lay it back to tape?

3. brevis35 or sgpro35 ? I will be looking to use a follow focus at some point
Is the whole (mounting the camera upside down) going to be practical?

4. Dv tech multirig or fig rig for handheld? Multirig seems more versatile.

thanks, adrian
how far can we push these cameras?
Adrian White is offline   Reply

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