any difference between regular miniSD and Sandisk Ultra II miniSD card in the HV20? at
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Old March 28th, 2007, 04:00 PM   #1
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any difference between regular miniSD and Sandisk Ultra II miniSD card in the HV20?

Is there any difference between regular miniSD and
Sandisk Ultra II miniSD card in the HV20? I do realize
the Ultra II is obviously faster, but does it matter in the


P.S. Why did Canon feel the need to go with miniSD
and not the regular-size SD cards? It doesn't really
save all that much space(and kind of pointless in a
camcorder) oh well....
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Old March 28th, 2007, 10:03 PM   #2
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I have a regular SanDisk (not ultra) miniSD card, and it seems to record fine, but it has a LONG startup time (browsing the card?) at card-mode startup before I can take a picture. (at least 15-30secs.)
Card tested at 4.5MB/s write, 25MB/s read (avg, higher peak) on my USB2 reader.

It's not such an issue w/ tape since this "browsing time" is taken up while you do videos.

I might recommend a faster card perhaps if you can afford it (often you can find rebate/sales deals.)
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Old March 28th, 2007, 10:21 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Colin Gould View Post
Card tested at 4.5MB/s write, 25MB/s read (avg, higher peak) on my USB2 reader.
Originally Posted by Colin Gould View Post
I might recommend a faster card perhaps if you can afford it (often you can find rebate/sales deals.)

Could you tell me how to test the speed of the memory cards? Thanks!

Also, I ordered the Sandisk Ultra II 2GB miniSD card
from Costco. Their price is $42.99 plus $7.79
shipping for a total of $50.78.... pretty decent price...

I figure I can put the miniSD card in its adapter
and use it as a regular Ultra II SD card... :)
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Old March 29th, 2007, 10:27 AM   #4
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For test speed, I just copied some large files to/from the card , using GP Software's DirectoryOpus file management tool, which includes a speed meter.
I could also use SiSoft sandra or other test utils but this was more convenient.

Actually I do have an UltraII sandisk SD card (for my still cam), it tested (on same tool) at 7+MB/s write (much faster), 8.5MB/s read.
I think the 25mb/s miniSD read above was an erroneous reading.
In any case it's prob more read speed important than write, for 2MP still pics... high-speed writes more important for high-MP still cameras and direct-write movie modes.

That's a good price for 2GB card... best price I've seen is around $20/gb.
BTW the test above was in the SD-card adapter, it works fine.
It will take you a longggg time to fill a 2GB card at 1920x1080 res (~1-2MB/pic), but what the hey :) good for still cams also.
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