The Vixia HF and 60i (and other frame rates) at
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Canon VIXIA Series AVCHD and HDV Camcorders
For VIXIA / LEGRIA Series (HF G, HF S, HF and HV) consumer camcorders.

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Old April 24th, 2010, 08:15 PM   #1
New Boot
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Camarillo
Posts: 5
The Vixia HF and 60i (and other frame rates)

After doing a lot of thorough research before buying my first camera, I decided on the HF200. I knew before buying that natively, this camera captures all of its video in 60i, but has the option to select 24 and 30 frames which is actually "emulated". This did not concern me much at the time, and I am mostly satisfied with the camera however have compared my footage to footage from other cameras, which as far as I know record in an actual progressive rate.

Correct me if I am wrong on any of the above, but can someone assist me in determining if another cameras video, such as the Canon EOS 7D with acual 30p/24p will indeed be superior in the sense of frame rate abilities of the HF200. What would noticable differences be? Yes I know, different class of cameras and cost, but lets keep it simple.

Also, I work with Vegas often and when I import one of my .mts clips recorded at 60i, it shows 30 in the properties of the clip. I know this isnt the Vegas forum, but I thought I would throw this in here if anyone could assist with that as well. Thanks!
Tyler Smitt is offline   Reply With Quote
Old April 24th, 2010, 11:01 PM   #2
New Boot
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Toronto, Canada
Posts: 18
Hello Tyler,

well to be honest I don't quiet understand thrnatureof your question but will try,
first of all the cam you have is is th canon hfs 200.
On canons website in specs this is what the camera you purchased has the ability to record.
Frame Rate
60i, Native 24p (records at 24p), 24p Progressive (records at 60i), 30p Progressive (records at 60i)
So looking at that you really only have 2 options 24p native or other rates which but they are recorded in From what I think things are recorded in the above frame rates then the pulldown is added 60i for consumer NTSC tv playback and when you bring the files in to Vegas it will say 30p however the pulldown is there. If you are not farmiliar with what is pulldown I'll send you a limo to this paper which will explain it well.

Now as far as 7d or any dslr that records video will have a differant image charecteristics becase the sensor in the dslrs are alot bigger and better plus with the options to usedifferant lenses gives you a much better result like papa johns pizza slogan better I ingridients better pizza.
Which in the canons hf s200 which is a very good consumer camera but has a smaller sensor and the fixed motorized lense which is sorta lik a generic kit lense.

As far as Vegas the frame rate will be displayed at 30 because you imported the mts files

Sorry if there any thing don't make sence in my sentencing as I used the iPhone for the reply.

M. Zaheer
Mohammed Zaheer is offline   Reply With Quote
Old April 25th, 2010, 10:42 AM   #3
New Boot
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Camarillo
Posts: 5
Thanks for your response, but I would like to clarify that my camera is not the HF S200, but the HF 200, the older version that does not have native 24p. Ive read that my camera may be able to record in 30p but saves it to a "60i stream", but Im not quite certain what this refers to, can soemone elaborate on this "stream".

When using the "import" function in Vegas, are the files being rendered to something different, or maybe generic for Vegas? Im not quite sure what a limo is but im guessing an attachment, if you could send that to me I would be much appreciated so I can just check out this article on pulldown.
Tyler Smitt is offline   Reply With Quote
Old April 25th, 2010, 02:42 PM   #4
New Boot
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Toronto, Canada
Posts: 18
here you go

this is the link then you have to download the pdf:

Sony Creative Software - Download: 24p and Panasonic AG-DVX100 and AJ-SDX900

or this was the link directly for the pdf:

Sorry about my confusion you are right about the hf 200, emulates other fram rates but only records in 60i.
thats 60 (59.94) interlaces feilds per second, which is the NTSC broadcast standard, so any other frame rates if you try to play on a regular tv will not play.

have a read its very informative regarding pulldown and 24p as well as some dvd architect info.

hope it helps ;)


M. T. Zaheer

sorry I used the iphone which can be a pain with grammer to reply earlier...
Mohammed Zaheer is offline   Reply

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