Major issues with HV40 and Canon service... at
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Canon VIXIA Series AVCHD and HDV Camcorders
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Old December 16th, 2009, 01:38 PM   #1
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Major issues with HV40 and Canon service...

I'm having some major problems with my HV40 and I'm not sure what to do next.

Here's the rundown: About 1 month ago I put a tape in the camera and turned it on for capture. After a few seconds the camera beeped four times and gave me a "Remove the cassette" warning on the screen. I when to remove it and found that it had unwound the tape.

So I managed to get the tape out, rewound it, and tried it again. Same problem. So I tried putting in another tape. Same problem. Tried a new tape, same problem. I cleaned the heads and tried again. No luck.

So I called support and went through their motions, reset, etc., and nothing worked. Sent it off to repair in New Jersey, got it back in about 9 days with a work order that said, in part, "the, it could not be removed" whatever that means. I put in a tape and guess what? 4 beeps and "remove the cassette." Not only that, but now I notice that the lens cover won't close, so it came back to me in worse shape than when it left.

So I call support and they pay the return shipping. This time it takes over two weeks to get it back. The report says "Lens cover will not work properly. The pcb assembley was replaced and product functions were confirmed." Great! So I put in a tape and guess what? I get four beeps and "Remove the cassette."

So I put in another tape and it will play, record and play back. Put in a third, it won't play back but seems to record. I then unpackage and put in a brand new tape and it seems to record but won't play back.

I THEN put in the tape that worked briefly and it won't play back now.

I'm about at the end of my rope with this thing. I've been without it for a month now and I really need it for work.

Does anyone have any ideas? Anyone had any luck getting a new camera from Canon?
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Old December 16th, 2009, 10:24 PM   #2
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I had a bad HV10. I sent it to Canon twice to fix, each time it continued to malfunction. I sent it in the third time and finally got a new replacement. Yes it takes time. Canon repair has to jump through a bunch of hoops. But they will eventually fix it, or replace it. keep sending it in.

Canon's warranty & replacement is a slow process. But it sure beats Sony's!!! Over the years I have had to eat Sony Camcorders. They lost me as a customer for ever.
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Old December 17th, 2009, 09:23 AM   #3
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Thanks David. I spoke with support again this morning and they say they will escalate it to a Sr. Tech and expedite the repair. I'll post an update when I get it back...
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Old December 20th, 2009, 03:02 PM   #4
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I'm sorry to hear that there seem to be tape mechanism problems with this camera (especially since I just bought three of them). Is the problem endemic with the HV40, or does it seem to be something that's been there since the 10? Is it possible that, with the current preference for tapeless acquisition, the quality control of the units with tape drives has fallen off?

I chose this camera primarily because it has a conventional viewfinder and 24p native capabilities. I make documentaries, shoot primarily with the Panasonic HPX500 in 720/24pn, and needed several "glove compartment" cameras that would intercut with that camera - and it does an admirable job.

In fact, I've been so impressed that I've built a custom bracket to use my 10+ year old 3x3 Chrosziel matte box, Lectrosonic wireless receiver, and and a comfortable wooden side grip... it works great - I can handhold it all day without needing OIS.

My only caveats about the HV40 are that you can't lock in the shutter in Cine mode (which I prefer), that the viewfinder doesn't have provision for a rubber eyepiece (I like to use chamois covers), the diopter is impossible to adjust with your eye to the finder, and the record button is so close to the function button that it's possible to hit the wrong one while shooting. But now I'm worried about this tape drive issue.

Daniel: Out of curiosity, what tapes have you been using? and how many hours do you think you've got on your camera?
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Old December 21st, 2009, 03:17 AM   #5
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Being a HV40 it cant be that many, i love my 6 month old HV30 and only use sony premium tapes with no problems if its any help to anyone.
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Old December 21st, 2009, 06:58 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Steve Rosen View Post
I'm sorry to hear that there seem to be tape mechanism problems with this camera...
That generic statement isn't warranted by what's in this thread so far. Tape mechanisms are a bit delicate, especially on consumer cameras, so once and while one is going to have problems and you can see it with any camera. The "Remove the Cassette" message has been brought up for previous cameras, notably the GL2. There are multiple potential causes for the message, according to Canon:

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Hope all goes well for you guys who are having some difficulties.
Pete Bauer
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Old December 21st, 2009, 10:09 AM   #7
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Well, it hasn't only come up here, I've heard it elsewhere as well, that's why I'm curious. It was not meant as a "generic" comment. I depend on my cameras for my living, I need to know what to expect, thus the question - and that, I assume, is the purpose of a forum like this one.

Canon's comments on this issue are seemingly aimed at amateurs without much experience maintaing equipment. But some of these problems have been posted by people who seem to have more expertise than that.

FYI, I am a professional director/cinematographer, have made my living that way for over 40 years, and have used every type of camera imaginable, even reel-to-reel VHS (in 1978). I've shot well over 1,000 documentaries from 3 min to 90 min in film and video.

Currently, with the 40s, I use Sony HDM-63VG tapes. I used Sony Digital Master Tapes (no longer available) with my XL H1 several years ago and never had a single problem after shooting over 200 tapes.

The thing that's different here is that I need to use the HV40 as a deck as well (because of 24p Native), something I've never done before. That, of course, puts much more wear on the tape transport mechanism.
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Old January 2nd, 2010, 10:03 AM   #8
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Good Morning,

I was following this thread as I have considered a hv 40 as a run and gun sub for my xlh1.

I have experience with the cassette error having spent a few years with a gl2. the only time I had this problem was when I was doign what everyone said not to do!!!

When the tape is in the camera do not jog it back and forth trying to find specific spots!! It was repaired by warrenty even though I stupidly caused it.

I always capture the entire tape, I do not jog it ever. I still have the gl2 with hundrreds of hours and have had no problems.

Just a suggrestion.
Dale W. Guthormsen
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Old January 12th, 2010, 06:46 PM   #9
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Sony Digital Master tapes are very much still available. They are all I use in an XH-A1s and also in an HV-40. There are also Canon Digital Master Tapes, which look to be the same thing (though I don't know this for sure).
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Old January 26th, 2010, 10:21 AM   #10
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Richard: Sorry for the misinformation - my supplier erroneously told me that the Sony Digital Master tapes were no longer available - I never checked (I've been using Panasonic P2 cards with my HPX500 for three years and haven't kept in the tape loop), but have checked since reading your response.

I highly recommend using these even though they are more expensive.
Steve Rosen is offline   Reply

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