Raynox 43mm 6600 w/ spacer instead of 52mm with stepup ring at DVinfo.net
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Canon VIXIA Series AVCHD and HDV Camcorders
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Old November 18th, 2008, 11:09 PM   #1
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Raynox 43mm 6600 w/ spacer instead of 52mm with stepup ring

Hello, I am an owner of a 43mm Raynox 6600 (for my DV953) and considering a HV30 purchase. I have read that the 52mm with step up ring is preferred, but the lens is the same. So could I space my already payed for 43mm raynox 6600 out by 7mm and get the same effect as the 52mm version with the step up ring? Has anyone used a filter without any glass as a spacer?
Matt McConnell is offline   Reply With Quote
Old November 19th, 2008, 10:23 AM   #2
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Okay, there is alot of misinformation here,
the reason why a 52mm is 'preferred' is because the lens itself is bigger. Some say that since its bigger, there isnt much distortion (normally seen by wide angles) because you are in the 'sweet spot' which is near the center where there is little/no distortion to be seen.

To me, i cant tell the difference in distortion between a 43mm wide and a 52mm wide adapted to my hv30. Its noticeable for fisheyes, but this wide angle we are talking about, cant tell...

It has NOTHING to do with the spacing. Not sure where you got your information about the spacing makes the lens any better.. Also, 'the lens is the same' in the sense of quality and build, the difference is one is clearly bigger than the other...

In other words, what really matter is the quality of the optics itself. Raynox is great for its price and quality, thus it is recommended.

PS, not sure what affect you are referring to when you say 'the same effect as the 52mm'
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Old November 20th, 2008, 03:39 AM   #3
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Thanks for clearing that up. I read in another forum the two WA adapter had the same glass, but it makes more sense if the 52mm glass is actually bigger than the 43mm glass. FYI here is what Raynox recommends...

Raynox High Definition Conversion Lens Accessories for Canon VIXIA HV30, HV20 HDV Camcorders
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