FCP splitting clips from HV20! at DVinfo.net
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Canon VIXIA Series AVCHD and HDV Camcorders
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Old April 10th, 2008, 01:24 AM   #1
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FCP splitting clips from HV20!

Why does it split the clips when I import it in final cut 6? How do I prevent FCP from doing this automatically?

This is a bummer because I have to check cadence on every clip in AE for de-interlacing and I just want to Interpret footage once.

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Old April 10th, 2008, 10:50 AM   #2
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I'm not sure of this, but maybe this could be avoided (next time) if you stripe your tape first (record it black with lens cap on). Then when FCP imports it won't try to be smart and break up into clips.
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Old April 10th, 2008, 02:12 PM   #3
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Wow - I really have to black encode the tape before I use it in a HV-20? Can someone else confirm this?
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Old April 10th, 2008, 02:34 PM   #4
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In the HDV capture window in FCP there is a an option to break up clips using stop/start detection. Make sure this is turned off.

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Old April 10th, 2008, 09:00 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Brandon Svec View Post
I'm not sure of this, but maybe this could be avoided (next time) if you stripe your tape first (record it black with lens cap on). Then when FCP imports it won't try to be smart and break up into clips.
I don't think that's the case because this isn't an issue of timecode breaks (where there's some kind of skipped frame in the TC), it's an issue of scene breaks (the camera being stopped and started). I believe it is something inherent to the way that FCP deals with HDV & I do not think you can change this, at least with FCP5
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Old April 10th, 2008, 09:04 PM   #6
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When you capture HDV footage, Final Cut Pro can automatically create new clips and corresponding media files each time it detects a scene or timecode break. This behavior is slightly different from the way it handles DV footage.

When you capture DV, Final Cut Pro can detect scene breaks after capture if you select the clip and choose Mark > DV Start/Stop Detect.

When you capture HDV, Final Cut Pro automatically generates a new media file at the point of each scene break.

Not quite the same question, but contains a couple comments from 2006 which might be relevant, but might NOT be relevant with FCS2

"do you have scene detection turned off? please turn it on and your problem will be fixed."
"Actually, turning off scene detection doesn't help. I had the same problem for a while. Checked with Apple, checked with JVC. Both acknowledged that it's an issue with the way the TC blips when you start/stop the camera. Neither really presented a solution."
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Old May 7th, 2008, 04:16 AM   #7
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I'm still getting this issue. Can someone else verify that everytime you digitize in FCP 6 that the HV20's clips are split every time the record button is hit? Is this a preset?

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Old May 13th, 2008, 07:12 AM   #8
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Hi Christopher

I have a HV30, and maybe it encodes tape differently than the HV20 or interacts differently with FCP6.

On a recent road trip, I not only did a lot of stop/start recording, but also off/on over the course of several hours to fill a 63 minute tape. I used both Capture Now and Log&Capture and didn't get any of the splits you describe.

In fact, I had the opposite problem you have. Under the Log & Capture "Clip Settings" tab, I tried the 'Create new clip on Start/Stop' feature, and I couldn't get it to work. For the type of tourist shooting I was doing, that feature would have been perfect.
Tom T
Mac Pro, Final Cut Studio 2, CS2, Merlin, DVRigPro, VX2100s, HV30
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