HV20 - A lot of questions... Guru needed. at DVinfo.net
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Canon VIXIA Series AVCHD and HDV Camcorders
For VIXIA / LEGRIA Series (HF G, HF S, HF and HV) consumer camcorders.

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Old March 18th, 2008, 04:05 PM   #1
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HV20 - A lot of questions... Guru needed.

I just bought one on Ebay and have many questions which I haven't found answers to yet. Can a HV20 guru help me answer some?

1) Where are the color bars? I'd like to record color bars at the head of the tape and can't find them.

2) How do I adjust the Iris and Shutter speed in CineMode? Does CineMode automatically add a 180 shutter angle and is the camera always open (F1.8)?

3) How can I judge focus distance? I am using this HV20 in conjunction with a LetusXL and it is crucial to judge where the ground glass is. On the HVX-200 it tells me the focus distance in either feet or meters. Does the HV20 has a similar readout?

4) Can I make the HDV format selection be 4x3? I just see HDV, HDV24F, DV WIDE, DV pillar. Is there any way to shoot HDV 4x3?

5) How do I display the aperture settings as a display readout in CineMode? I see no FStops and no shutter speed on the readout. Is there a way to see these items?

6) Does Focus assist work? I pressed it many times (in CineMode) and it doesn't appear to do anything.

7) In TV Mode or AE mode, is there a way to take auto-iris off?

Thanks so much. I've had a headache trying to find some info on these questions.

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Old March 18th, 2008, 07:06 PM   #2
Obstreperous Rex
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Where are the color bars?
There are no color bars on the HV series camcorders.

focus distance in either feet or meters. Does the HV20 has a similar readout?

Is there any way to shoot HDV 4x3?
All high definition video is 16:9.

I see no FStops and no shutter speed on the readout.
Insert a memory card, enable still image recording, press the photo button halfway.

Does Focus assist work?
Not when zebras are enabled.

In TV Mode or AE mode, is there a way to take auto-iris off?
Exposure Lock on the joystick.

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Old March 18th, 2008, 08:10 PM   #3
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Thanks Guru Hurd!
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