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Canon Optura Junior Watchdog
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Old November 8th, 2004, 05:43 AM   #16
Inner Circle
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Location: Billericay, England UK
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Perhaps a little unfair (though completely accurate) to say that the GL2 and XL2 lose nearly two stops as you zoom. Both have 20x zooms as against the MVX3i's 10x zoom, and this makes a huge difference. If you only zoom to halfway they'd lose under a stop - but I agree, the 3i is pretty exceptional in maintaining such a wide aperture at full tele.

Sony seem to be moving in that direction now - they have a few camcorders on their books that have 10x zooms that go from f1.8 to f 2.1 - well under half a stop lost.

Of course this losing light as you zoom idea is fairly new. In the 70s there were Super-8 cameras from Nikon, Canon and Minolta that all had 10x zooms. They maintained f1.4 thoughout the zoom, but of course were sizeable chunks of glass.

Tom Hardwick is offline  
Old November 8th, 2004, 03:31 PM   #17
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Well, if Canon would make a 10x zoom for the XL1s/XL2 with a fixed aperture of 1.8L, I'd be ranting and raving about that lens. :)

If Canon would put a 10x zoom on the GL2 with fixed aperture of 1.4L, I'd be all about that too. (The GL2 would need a larger aperture since it uses smaller CCDs).

The zoom would need to be somewhere like 24-240mm range (in "35mm terms" since the CCDs would dictate the field of view require for that zoom).
Xander Christ is offline  
Old November 9th, 2004, 03:05 AM   #18
Inner Circle
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Location: Billericay, England UK
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Sounds like you and I know the advantages to be gained by having wide-aperture zooms, but what of the general (GL2, say) buying public? A GL2 with a 10x f1.4 lens would look pretty much the same as the current model. This has a 16x zoom (f1.6 to f2.9) and my guess is that on the shop counter the magic 16X ZOOM would be the big puller, and few would realise what they were abandoning.

Just think - if you could film with one 100w lamp in a room with the f1.4 lensed camcorder, you'd have to have four 100w lamps on to film with the 16x zoom, and it would still be slightly under-exposed.

Tom Hardwick is offline  
Old December 3rd, 2004, 10:50 AM   #19
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: England
Posts: 1
have read through your search for the Canon MVX3I. i too have been searching for a new camcorder and this one was on my short list.
i have found a web site at
which have the Canon MVX3I instock and at a price of £852 pounds at the moment.
I agree the Optical Stabilisation is a real bonus and from what i`ve seen it`s worth getting a camcorder with it.

Hope this helps

David Pinsent is offline  
Old January 5th, 2005, 07:42 AM   #20
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Location: Dublin, Ireland
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GL2 v. Optura Xi

What a help your answer to my email has been! Another unseen feather in the cap for DV Info.

The only way I can thank you for all that insight, Xander, which was entirely specific to my situation is to offer you a whole week off while I'm identifying the next question. You're a pixel off the old chip, that's for sure; I am very grateful to you.
Brendan Marnell is offline  

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