gl2 vegas4 ext.monitor playback problems at
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Canon GL Series DV Camcorders
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Old April 15th, 2003, 10:03 PM   #1
New Boot
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gl2 vegas4 ext.monitor playback problems

Hi All

If any one has any input on this one. It is driving me crazy. I just cannot get the preview on external monitor via firewire trough my gl2. I get a few frames then blue.

Also I tried with two different fire wire card with diffrent chip sets.One is nec the other one is via.

My system is clean(no chared irqs or apps running in background) and i get the same result on 3 different machines. Is it a problem with the gl2? Anyone got similar experiance?

I'm asking here cause the ratio of gl2 users is higher.

Pierre Petit is offline   Reply With Quote
Old April 16th, 2003, 02:53 AM   #2
Old Boot
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OOOhh Nasty!

Pierre tell me? - After the blue screen does the "file" come back on stream? Or does it just stop behaving at all?

Streaming firewire can be fraught with many "glitches". Have you tried outputting directly from XM2 to video from a tape? Straight to the video/tv?

Can you record to the XM2 from your firewire output? - This would clear up some other questions I've got. If you can output AND record to the XM2 then it would appear your firwire oputput, at with regard to your actual "file" is complete.

Is this a new issue, OR have you had this before?

If you could beg borrow or whatever a DV>>AV convertor try that to confirm the firewire flow. How's the state of your HD? When did you last defrag? Bits 'n pieces of files all over the place could "stutter the flow.

Hmmm... this is a real pain, I've had to live with my Dell Insprion's - DON'T laugh! - fan/s switching on/off interrupting the flow of firewire -= Mr Dell thought it good wheeze to have the fan/s controller call out through the BIOS! Arrrgghhh!

I don't have "the" solution for you, but I hope the suggestions I've made will pint you in the possible direction of a fix - keep us informed - firwire + DV = HELL!! Sometimes . . .
Graham Bernard is offline   Reply With Quote
Old April 16th, 2003, 07:19 AM   #3
New Boot
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: canada
Posts: 22
Hi Graham,

The file comes back when i press stop . then disapear again when i press play. I see that blue screen tilting like it really wants to show the image....I cannot print to dv tape either. Funny i remember i used to print to dv a few months ago. Strange.I just bought a nice tv for the purpose of viewing on external monitor.

I did more tests and i have one project that works for previewing on external monitor. So i tough this had to do with some prerendering.....still it doesnt work with new projects. I even tried to capture smaller size dv files. still doesnt work.

The only thing seems to be different then before is i have like 5 hard drive on that pc and a pci promise controller. But i fail to see why it would slow the system down so much.

I m gonna try a reformat and using only strict minimum components

For your dell inspiron problem. I have the dell inspiron 8000 i m using it for live audio recording and on the Rme news group(my sound card manifacturer)someone wrote a small fan control utility. I works like a charm: no more drop outs.
heres the link

maybe this will solve your problem!
Pierre Petit is offline   Reply With Quote
Old April 16th, 2003, 08:04 AM   #4
New Boot
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Posts: 22
I solved the problem

Thanks for your help Graham!
I solved the probleme by removing two hard drives and the pci ata 100 controler.
Now i am a happy camper!
Pierre Petit is offline   Reply With Quote
Old April 16th, 2003, 11:16 AM   #5
Old Boot
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Yahhooooooo ! ! ! !

Well done Pierre!

Time to get your stuff out now. What made you think of doing that anyway?

Yeah Fangui - Got it about 8 months back - thanks anyway!
Graham Bernard is offline   Reply

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