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Canon GL Series DV Camcorders
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Old May 25th, 2011, 02:54 AM   #16
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Re: Canon XM2 Pro Camcorder..Good?Bad? Help Needed

Most Z1's for broadcast use are actually being used in std definition mode and not high definition and they are also now around 10 years old so tend not to be used any more as there are better small camera's such as the canon XF305 that are fully approved for HD shooting. I also agree that you should not be buying a 10 year old camera just because it says broadcast or pro spec as the world has changed and there are now far better options available. HDV is also an old video codec and not the best these days as AVCHD can shoot full 1920x1080 HD at around the same bit rates so I agree with you that an AVCHD camera can look better than an older HDV Z1.

To get the closest camera to "broadcast" at around £1,000 you are better off getting a solid state prosumer camera such as the panasonic, canon or sony camera's.

There are two levels a small handycam style or the larger shoulder mount camera and most of them tend to use AVCHD as their video recording format so you need to make sure your edit system is able to handle it.

You can get very good results with small prosumer camera's and I personally have a canon HF11 which does full 1920x1080 HD in AVCHD at 24mbs, the picture quality is very good and it has mic inputs and several manual features that allow me to set it up for decent shooting, it also has very good full auto modes and can be a useful camera for some projects. The panasonic TM900 is also a very good small camera that can get very good results and seems to be the model that everyone is raving about.
Here is a video I shot with the canon HF11 and it makes some very nice pictures: YouTube - ‪British Beef Jerky Shoot 7-8-09‬‏

The larger shoulder mount prosumer cameras tend to be just versions of the smaller models but in a larger form factor but can also be very good at what they do. DSLR's are liked by some people and they can do good filmic results such as shallow depth of field but have certain problems and can be a handful to operate if you are new to shooting, they also have flexibility in lens choice but make sure you are happy operating one and have the workflow sorted to deal with the content and be aware of any problems that can be caused by them being stills camera's and not specifically designed for video use.

Personally If I was buying now I would go for a TM900 as the HF11 is no longer made, I have heard very good things about it and it makes some very nice pictures that are very close to broadcast standard straight from the camera, OK the AVCHD codec is limited and not broadcast approved but if handled correctly can produce some very good results that could be up to broadcast levels.

Bear in mind that the shooting aspect is not the only consideration in full broadcast production and whilst you may have heard that people have shot broadcast on X or Y camera it is how the total workflow is handled from shooting to delivery that is critical in broadcast work, so it may be Ok to shoot something on a certain camera but how the footage is then handled through to broadcast delivery via sat or freeview may be out of the scope of what you can do at home, this goes for DSLR's too and what may look OK in the comfort of your bedroom edit suite may go terribly wrong once the broadcast processes for delivery to the end viewer are applied.
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Old May 25th, 2011, 02:57 AM   #17
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Re: Canon XM2 Pro Camcorder..Good?Bad? Help Needed


I don't know enough about the DSLRs, so can't comment. I know they're both good, but not enough detail as to why you should choose one over the other.

I used to have a Sony V1E, the "pro" version of the FX7. Basically an FX7, sprayed black, with XLR audio inputs and a few more settings in the menus. It was a great camera for "run and gun", very easy to use. It produces a nice HD image, though it is poor in lower light.

I ditched the V1 only because (a) it was tape-based and (b) I wanted something smaller for travel purposes, but still with XLR audio capabilities when I needed it. (Hence my Panasonic HMC41, now being replaced with a Sony NX70).

DSLRs generally make it easier to get a more film-like appearance, shallow depth of field (background blurred out), and are better in lower light situations.
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Old May 25th, 2011, 03:39 AM   #18
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Re: Canon XM2 Pro Camcorder..Good?Bad? Help Needed

Well to be honest ive been thinking about it now..and looking at the canon and panasonic range of dlrs in my budget for video..i think the xm2 is too outdated for me..doesnt shoot in HD..and finally the canon and panasonic range require too many high cost accessories Ie: lens which not only do i not have the money for but expertise.
Therefore I'm now more towards getting the sony fx7, however my worry is audio ive heard the audio on its terrible..and im not sure if the sony z1 is better and theyre both around the same price..i also cant find anywhere that sells the fx7 second hand..including its pretty dificult
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Old May 25th, 2011, 04:29 AM   #19
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Re: Canon XM2 Pro Camcorder..Good?Bad? Help Needed

FX7 is an old camera now as is HDV and the tape they run on and they tend to be snapped up by the wedding guys as B-camera's. The audio is fine but the connectors are prosumer like the smaller camera's.

I still think you are better off going for a current model of prosumer handycam such as the TM900 as it gives far better picture quality and has just as many features as an FX7.

It's your choice but buying an old second hand camera as a first choice can be a minefield where getting the latest model will give you some warranty and far better image quality.
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Old May 25th, 2011, 04:51 AM   #20
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Re: Canon XM2 Pro Camcorder..Good?Bad? Help Needed

Yeah I understand what your saying but the TM900 seems to have less features and MP resolution than the current HDC-SD700 i have now. I'd love to get another HDC-SD700 but as the models been discontinued and was 14,2MP its so hard to find at a reasonable price. Some digusting sites are selling it for bloody £930!! I bought mine from camerabox for £500 new!!
The other thing is the TM900 isn't broadcast quality and if am correct has less resolution for alot bigger price. In honesty I dont see or feel the difference from what ive read with the TM900 and the model i currently have..although its definetely now maybe becoming a option.

Thanks for the honesty on the FX7 the test footage for it looked good but I had no idea its tape rather not go for a tape based maybe your right and the TM900 is for me. I saw that Sony offer a few in the same price range £800-900 are they any good? From what I saw theyre MP and features seem a bit less.
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