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Canon GL Series DV Camcorders
Canon GL2, GL1 and PAL versions XM2, XM1.

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Old April 19th, 2006, 05:51 AM   #256
Old Boot
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The first BIG battery I bought was a GENUINE Canon, packaged as such CANON BP945 - it said "Hahnel" on the plastic casing. Subsequently I purchased same spec battery from a supplier, it TOO said Hahnel on the casing. I subsequently bought 2 further BP945s, this time directly from Hanel in Ireland. Go figure! My belief is that Canon don't actually - shock horror - "make" batteries! Possible? I suppose it must be far cheaper to make and transport Canon BP945s all the way around the Globe to the UK, than to have the Irish company, who makes the same, have them post them to me at a 1/2 the price? Or do you think I've got this incorrect.

Japan > Uk OR Ireland > uk - which do you think? Tricky? . .and ALL have Hahnel on their casings.

For the record, my first BP945 cost nearly £100GBps; subsequent batteeries have cost from £60 down to £53. And NOW I can get the Hanel's at £39.99 !

Tricky hey?

Buy lots - what you can afford - and keep 'em perky! There is nought more sadder than a videographer WIHTOUT power . . .Well, there is . . but I'm keeping this jovial ..

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Old April 19th, 2006, 07:43 AM   #257
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Batteries for GL1 & 2

I had a GL1 for 5 yrs. My experience with the battery supplied as follows, after a year of use the 915 would no longer hold a full charge. I obtained two 3300 ma. units that I used for the next 4 yrs. They always took a full charge
& never gave any trouble, good quality; the price was also very affordable.
The 3300ma. were $36- apiece & the 5500ma. $49.95.
I obtained them from

I am about to purchase 2 more for my GL2.
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Old April 21st, 2006, 11:56 AM   #258
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Grazie (and other Brits),

I've bought a number of BP945 equivalents for well under £20 inc P&P from eBay. Here's an example link . It's one of many.

No idea who the manufacturers are but at these prices I have to say I'm quite happy to buy a new one every few months! I took four with me to a shoot yesterday which lasted just under four hours. I didn't need to use more than one battery. I have done absolutely no tests to see how well they perform in different conditions but to be honest I don't really care at that price! Using third party batteries won't hurt the camera so I'll save my pennies for more exciting things (like apres-shoot beverages - did a few of them last night, hic).

Nice weekend to you all!

Ian . . .
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Old April 21st, 2006, 12:26 PM   #259
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Wow! That IS cheap . . Thanks Ian . . I'll keep it mind. g
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Old April 22nd, 2006, 11:54 PM   #260
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You can never have to many batteries. I prefer the 945.

I recently bought a jobber battery for pretty cheap. I dropped it once on the floor and the bottom plate broke loose, it was two days old (not happy). I glued it back together and it works fine. I wondered if the jobber was not as well made but I did not want to run further testing.

Even in car batteries I think it is something like three companies that makes all the batteries.
Dale W. Guthormsen
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Old April 23rd, 2006, 03:39 AM   #261
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Yesterday came back from an all day shoot. Started 9:00am, ended 5:00pm. Lotsa of interviews; PUSH focus on a LANC; ZOOMs for framing and slows for effects; volume control adjusts; lots of adjustments and ONs and OFFs. Took 4x 945s. Changed 945 once. Most likely COULD have gone all day on the one - maybe not. Changed just to be sure. Didn't even bother to unpack the other two 945s. Apart from that once, the only other battery I had to change was a non-rechargeable 9v for my Senni Rx.

All batteries were "Canon-Type" from Hanel.

Went easy . .

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Old April 23rd, 2006, 10:00 PM   #262
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all day shoot


I was filming Aircraft Carriers last week and I shot all day with only one 945. I carried a few others for safety and only tired myself out more carrying excess weight.
Dale W. Guthormsen
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Old June 29th, 2006, 10:21 AM   #263
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BP930 Battery from B&H

Looking to buy a second battery for my GL2.

On B&H's website they have a Canon BP930 for $74.95

Then they have an Impact BP930 battery for $49.95.

Whats the difference? Is Canon really that much better? Which should I buy.

Also I have a total of $200 to buy a battery and some protective filters/lenses. Any good suggestions on screw on filter kits for the Canon GL2?
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Old June 29th, 2006, 10:34 AM   #264
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Anyone hip to the Tiffen Soft FX3 58mm filter for the GL2? Its like $40.

Looks good, but has anyone had practical use of it?
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Old June 30th, 2006, 03:19 PM   #265
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I can't say for sure what the diff is really other than the Mamps are a little different.

I just bought 3 Impact batteries for my GL2 yesterday so well see how they work.

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Old July 3rd, 2006, 10:51 AM   #266
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You can get generic BP-945 knockoffs for $20 on Ebay. I have been using them for about 2 years, and they work every bit as well as the Canons. There's absolutely no difference, other than the Canon logo.

There are plenty of other dvi members who use these batteries as well, and I've never heard of anyone having even a tiny problem with them. Even if one of them were to go bad after a while, at $20 it's nothing to just buy more. Seriously, pick up a couple of these and spend your money on quality glass.

edit: by the way, I know you're not asking for advice about filters, but just for the benefit of anyone else who might be looking I thought I'd add that you should buy double-coated glass whenever possible... the coating does a pretty good job of cutting out reflections.
-->jarrod whaley.
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Old July 3rd, 2006, 11:43 AM   #267
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Been using 1/3 party 945s for 3 years. Recently been using them to power an 12volt External 16:9 cheapo monitor - via a step up device - and they are still 50% full after 3 hours of use. Their refresh rate is well within convenience too.

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Old July 6th, 2006, 10:46 AM   #268
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i recently got the impact from B&H, and while the battery works just like it should, i have a real problem getting it to line up and lock in when i move it from charger to cam...its only this one battery though, and my old batt. fits fine as does the stocker canon so i know its not a problem with the cam...

once you get in locked in its fine but getting it there can be a hassle, and you don't want to force it and break something...
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Old July 31st, 2006, 01:35 AM   #269
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3 rd party batteries

I am a supporter of 3rd party batteries. I bought one for HK$500 which has been working fine for 3 years. There is no sign of going weak. My friend told me that it can be cheaper if I buy it in China. It is just half the price of a Canon battery but one and a half longer video time.

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Old July 31st, 2006, 02:25 PM   #270
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I have a warning for those who purchase batteries from anywhere. There is a huge business out there in substituting used batteries for new ones. This is generally done by carefully opening the package, exchanging the new battery for a used one, and resealing the package. I have experienced this at Fry's Electronics, and by mail order form Etronics. In the latter case, I strongly suspect that the company itself was doing the switch. It took me three tries to get a new, unopened battery from Etronics. The substitutes that arrived the first two times had been opened and the batteries had multiple scratches and other evidence of significant use. Buyer beware - this is a real problem.
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