Canon XM2 + Marmalade difficulties at
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Old September 3rd, 2002, 07:00 PM   #1
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Canon XM2 + Marmalade difficulties

Hey guys, I recently purchased my XM2 from London, got a great deal from a store called "Subutio Electronics" on Oxford Street... well its just off the street, but anyway this is all besides the point. I've been greatly impressed with the camera so far, its definitely a stonking improvement over my old PC-120. However I've hit a major roadblock. I've been trying to shoot marmalade over the last 2 days... the trickiest of conserves. I just dont get it, all marmalade I shoot either becomes purple, or just appears to emit a gentle smoke. I know it sounds weird!!! I cant explain it... I shot some marmite... IN THE SAME SHOT and it was perfectly fine. Just to make sure I wasnt going insane I filmed the same marmalade / marmite combination with my old PC-120 and it came out completely normal... Im not the newest newbie... but perhaps some of you hardend pros could help me out with my marmalde conundrum?

Any wisdom would be much appreciated. Remember though... the marmite WAS fine on the XM2 and in the SAME shot...

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Old September 3rd, 2002, 07:07 PM   #2
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Have you tried playing with the white balance at all ?

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Old September 3rd, 2002, 07:12 PM   #3
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Hello Alex, thanks for taking the time to help me out... I was concerned that some people might imagine I was making this problem up. But yes, I have messed with all the settings on the camera, including the white balance... which, btw, I find to be a great funtion and extremly intuitively inplemented...

Something that I forgot to mention was that "frame mode" did always cause the purple marmalade... definitely less smoke, using frame mode is the closest to "normal" I can get.

Any other ideas my friend?

please remember, that the marmite, and the marmalade were IN THE SAME SHOT when it happened! I just cant explain it.

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Old September 3rd, 2002, 07:50 PM   #4
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Analysing the evidence

Ok, So I finally managed to shoot the marmalde in such a way as to get it to not be invisible.

I just ran a standard frame export from premiere, sorry about the cropping...

Heres the marmalade shot on the PC-120 and extracted:

and heres the SAME marmalade shot with the supposedly "far superior" XM2

Any ideas gentlemen?
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Old September 3rd, 2002, 11:15 PM   #5
Old Boot
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THAT IS the weirdest thing I've seen in a long time! I must say it looks like a truly remarkably bad airbrush job. AND the Smoke! I read what you said and thought, yeah really! But from what you've posted.....

I really don't know what is happening. But I have to concur with you - WEIRD!!!!

Perhaps others might give a view, but with my non-video hat on I would go back to basic enginneering - loose connections on one of the boards internally. Something's been knocked loose and only rears-up when you make a certain selection and again it comes right when you make another selection. It could be a mountain of basic engineering items but I don't know the innnards of a DV-Cam to make any sensible suggestions.

Please keep us informed. Inflict, I'm on the edge of purchasing one from a Tottenham Court RD dealer too!

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Old September 5th, 2002, 09:36 AM   #6
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I can't tell much from the shots. Is it possible for you to post the whole frame and not a cut out? If you could also produce some shots with the camera in all auto mode (auto eposure, white balance, etc.)that would help. What type of lighting are you using?

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Old September 5th, 2002, 10:04 AM   #7
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This almost looks like a prank... a Photoshop job. Not saying that
you are not telling the truth, but this is just too weird! Damn.
If the camera produces this results the first thing that comes
to my mind is that something seriously is wrong. I'd bring it
back with a picture of that shot.

-- edit --
after looking at your footage again I notice that the
marmelade is EXACTLY the same size, same texture, but
also in the EXACT SAME SPOT as the previous image. But
you claim these images came from two different camera's.
That is not possible IMHO.... It would be as good as
impossible to have those two pictures line up that
perfectly from two different camera's..... Are you sure
these came from two different camera's?
-- end edit --

Rob Lohman,
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Old September 5th, 2002, 04:25 PM   #8
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Firstly, I must applaud this DV community for being so helpful.

However, it struck me early this morning...I realised that no man should try and shoot marmite and marmalade in the same shot. I mean thats twisting the fundamentals of physics. Frankly, Im surprised that a total plutonic reversal did not occur. I think I've learned my lesson, and I can only hope that you, my DV brothers, have gleamed some important knowledge too.

Warmest thanks,

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Old September 6th, 2002, 01:55 AM   #9
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What are you trying to say here Dan, cause I ain't understanding

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Old September 6th, 2002, 08:51 AM   #10
New Boot
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What he is trying to say I think is that this has been a joke and the people on this site are so friendly he feels a little strange that people are putting some time into answering it.

That photograph is Photoshop all the way.

What is marmite by the way? England's vegimite?

Good joke,
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Old September 6th, 2002, 09:17 AM   #11
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Then I was right. Heh.

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Old September 6th, 2002, 09:23 AM   #12
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Hey guys ^_^

Let me think, I think I was trying to say that marmite and marmalade with a splash of self-deprication in the friscolating light of dusk would envoke some kind of community spirit.

Looks like my covers blown, absolutely awsome respect to those who played along.

Anyway. Im looking for some enthusiastic, like-minded people to join a few short movie productions in the near future. Myself and partners have created a number of shorts to date, our next project promises to be a corker. We're into making the kind of movie that captures that magic emotional juice that titles like Amelie, bottlerocket, Rushmore, The Royal Tenenbaums and High Fidelity have in spades. In my opinion, proper movies. We're talking visually powerful, idiosyncracy driven stories that touch people.

Our next project will be approx 20 mins and will be produced for the film festival run.

Locations are likely to be: London, Kettering, Grimsby. If anyone feels a passion for what Im talking about, feel free to get in touch and perhaps we can team up. We're a little stuck for decent audio recording gear at the mo, and also, any actors are welcome to suggest an interest. We are very relaxed... so get in touch if you are interested.

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Old September 7th, 2002, 05:59 PM   #13
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Problem is Dan, now people won't want to help with your movie cause they'll show up and you'll not be there! Except for hiding in the bushes filming how silly they look :)

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Old September 7th, 2002, 06:52 PM   #14
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Now Aaron, thats just not my style =)

This joke wasnt really either, but then again, you get bored at 3am.

The proposition still stands, anyone thats got the passion and is in the area... get in touch!


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