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Canon GL Series DV Camcorders
Canon GL2, GL1 and PAL versions XM2, XM1.

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Old November 16th, 2005, 12:54 PM   #346
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As far as I know, your editing software doesn't know the difference between regular 60i and frame mode. Just capture and edit it the way you would edit regular footage. And yes, the rendered video will retain the qualities of frame mode.
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Old July 6th, 2006, 01:02 AM   #347
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60i or frame mode?

I have read posts discussing shooting 60i and then converting to 24p especially for possible film transfer, but what about straight to DVD? I have a few projects planned that I would like to distribute solely on DVD. Should I shoot in 60i and then convert to 30p or just use the 30p FRAME MODE.

The Gian!
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Old July 6th, 2006, 04:07 AM   #348
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Why not place a bit of each mode, using scenes typical of the planned final production, especially fast action scenes, on a test DVD or two to see which you prefer?

Test wil probably work best if tested using intended primary viewing equipment and the bit rates planned for the final DVD.
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Old July 6th, 2006, 08:49 AM   #349
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i say use 60i and convert to 24p using magic bullet. purely because some programs are better than others at deinterlacing (theres a few articles out there showing this). Magic bullets results are much nicer.
(Wishes to be more informative and helpful than a nuisance)
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Old July 11th, 2006, 10:50 PM   #350
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I never really realized this but today while I was filming with my GL2 when I switched between frame mode, which I always film in, and normal mode, I noticed that there is noticably more grain in frame mode. It seems as if frame mode lowers the quality of the image drastically and adds a lot of grain, even in very well lit situations.

I have magic bullet and mainly used it for the look suite. Now I have decided now to film in 60i and deinterlace to 24p in post.

Try it for yourself and if you notice the quality loss then I would suggest filming in 60i and deinterlacing later.

Last edited by Rami Ismail; July 12th, 2006 at 11:09 AM.
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Old July 12th, 2006, 12:23 AM   #351
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I would love to record in 60i and then de interlace in Magic Bullet. Only problem is that I cannot afford (or have been able to find an alternate way of aquiring) Magic Bullet. If I were to somehow aquire Magic Bullet what format should I de interlace to if my final outcome is DVD? 24p or 30p?
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Old October 12th, 2006, 01:09 PM   #352
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Canon GL2 Frame Mode & Capturing w/ 3rd Party Camer

I normally shoot video on the GL2 and capture with a consumer level JVC camera to limit the wear on the heads of the GL2. I've just begun to shoot in frame mode for a few projects. Will it make a difference if I capture using the JVC camera? Or am I basically throwing out the frame mode information?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.
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Old October 12th, 2006, 01:24 PM   #353
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Won't make a difference at all. I fact, you can even capture an XL2's widescreen 24p with any $300 miniDV camcorder. Whatever is written to tape by any mini-DV cam is 100% readable by any other miniDV cam--the only exception being that fact that footage shot in LP mode may not play back on a different cam.
-->jarrod whaley.
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Old October 12th, 2006, 08:51 PM   #354
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DV deck

I was planning to buy a DV Deck, but, seeing that a $300 cam will capture just as good, I have changed my mind.
Is there really any advantages to buying a DV Deck ?
Thanks for your help everyone.
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Old October 13th, 2006, 12:17 AM   #355
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Originally Posted by Thomas Fraser
Is there really any advantages to buying a DV Deck ?

#1 - You know where it is ALL the time and it is usually plumbed permanently into the workflow: PC<>DECK<>External CRT colour Corrector screen. The Firewire connection rarely needs to be unplugged!

#2 - It is SOLELEY designed to deal with tapes and as such has other tape transport features. Mine takes larger format tapes. I do mean LARGER not just l o n g e r.

#3 - It would normally have a more "robust" transport system to a camera. Others are gonna say that they've been using a camera since 1892 ( yes that IS a joke!) and are happy.

#4 - My deck has a mass of connections and therefore doubles-up as Mission Control system for AV<>DV<AV<>DV links a to and from analogue and OTHER streams. On the front it has a whole set of "other" inputs RCA phono jacks for dubbing and these are duped at the rear too. The rear has not only the phonos but also SCARTS and SVGA outs too.

#5 - I not only use it to shuttle back and forth, but also to rewind/cue tapes for shooting back in camera. I don't use the XM2 for this .. oh no.


#6 - It is completely useless as a holiday camera! I've tried. Where, if I DID use a cheapo camera for transport then I might take it on vacation with me! As it happens, this way I would NEED to now buy a modestly priced DV camera to do so too.

Bottom line here, if yah don't need one, your throughput is less than demanding for most times of the year, then don't get one. We've heard here that people DO use a cheap camera for transport, take it on holiday and it is STILL going strong as a transport device.

If you would prefer to spend the money on getting a better tripod, a light, a mic instead, then go for it.

I was fortunate, I got my deck 2nd hand from a chap who was retiring from the biz (Oh! An indication here as to its previous use too). About 1/4 off the price. Use it most days and love the reassurance that its "clunk" gives as it securely deals with my hard won footage.
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Old October 13th, 2006, 04:21 AM   #356
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Agree with Graham. The main advantages of a DV deck are for folks doing serious or professional work and lots of it. Much faster tape handling and ability to use full size DVC cassettes arre among the advantages I find most helpful. (I can back-up a 2-3 hour program on one tape in DV format at SP speed.) They also tend to have a large footprint.

However, some decks, e.g., the Sony GV-D900 series, are essentailly a camcorder class MiniDV transport mechanism, and provide corresponding tape handling speed.
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Old October 19th, 2006, 08:24 AM   #357
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I find that the decks can help with bad tapes as well. Using a cheapo corder to transfer to computer sometimes cant capture as well as a deck that has what I assume are more durable and senstive heads.
I had some footage that had some artifacts on tape and showed up in FCP from a GL-1 used as a capture device but when I captured on a JVC Deck the capture was clean.
so personally I choose decks over cameras.
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Old January 19th, 2007, 01:46 PM   #358
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Frame vs. Normal

Which is ideal and in what situation? I've never used Frame, and I lost the manual a while back, so I don't even know what it's for. Opinions?
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Old January 19th, 2007, 05:07 PM   #359
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Do a search here for "GL-2 Frame Mode" and there is a thread that really has great info.

I learned some neat things there.
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Old January 19th, 2007, 05:14 PM   #360
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Some folks like frame mode because it comes closer to a film-like effect than normal movie mode. But it does introduce artifacts, especially if there is rapid motion or a pan/tilt in the image. After reading the other posts on the subject, try it in a tesdst environemnt to see if it provides effects you want to use.

If you need a manual, download it from the Canondv web site.
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