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Old October 29th, 2003, 12:17 PM   #181
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to deinterlace or not to deinterlace?

hell all,
after reading up on and learning more about shooting in frame mode on my gl2, ive decided to give it a shot and i am impressed with the results.
my question applies to both frame and interlaced modes:
should i deinterlace my footage in either mode? if so, what results should i expect and lastly can i do this in premiere?
basically all im looking for is to increase the quality of my footage on the web and on tv screens (HD excluded)
i hope my ramblings made a little bit of sense

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Old October 29th, 2003, 05:06 PM   #182
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Frame mode...

Frame mode is already deinterlaced, so no, you don`t have to (nor shouldn`t) deinterlace it.

For max quality/ efficiency I would go for frame mode rather than post deinterlacing - but note, this is coming from a person that in past (before buying this great cammie) ALWAYS deinterlaced. So for me, frame mode all the way.

Hope this helps.
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Old October 29th, 2003, 10:46 PM   #183
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I would say for the Web, definitely use frame mode. After compression, the loss of resolution you get with frame mode will be irrelevant. Might as well save yourself a step. Most televisions have such low resolution the softened look of frame mode isn't really apparent either.
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Old October 29th, 2003, 11:17 PM   #184
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The answer to your question is actually not quite so clear-cut as it might seem. For starters, creating the best image for the "web" and for "tv" are two very separate targets that require different considerations and strategies.

Indeed, Frame mode is basically a progressive, non-interlaced format so deinterlacing would seem unnecessary. But I've actually gotten some good results using "smart" deinterlacing with some Frame mode footage.

The type of shooting you plan to do will also partly determine what's appropriate. Shooting dramatic, controlled work will be conducive to different techniques than shooting live uncontrolled events.

The bottom line: experiment. Shoot some short clips typical of the type of work you plan to do and try various combinations of techniques. One tip: if you experiment with deinterlacing be sure not to simply use a "dumb" field-copying deinterlacer as is normally found built into most nle's. Use one that has some intelligence such as the one in the DV Film product or Magic Bullet.

Good luck and have fun!
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Old October 30th, 2003, 10:57 PM   #185
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thanks alot for your help, i really appreciate it guys
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Old October 31st, 2003, 05:26 AM   #186
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Ken, could you give some more information in what sense the results are better when deinterlacing frame mode footage even with "smart" deinterlacers. The only thing what I see is applying some slight vertical filtering in order to reduce interlace flicker on (interlaced) TV's. Of course at the expense of vertical resolution.
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Old October 31st, 2003, 05:40 AM   #187
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Sorry - another 'Frame Mode' question

I have been shooting some footage in both Frame mode and Normal Mode. From my footage the only difference I can see is that the Frame Mode has a jerky staccato effect on the footage. Why is this desirable?

At present I am only viewing footage on my computer screen (in FCE) and was wondering whether Frame Mode actually makes footage appear vastly better when viewed on a television due to the de-interlacing and this is why it is good to use Frame Mode (and the fact that I haven't yet viewed it on a TV is why I can't see the benefit) - my footage is eventually intended for viewing on a TV (via DVD).

Is this the case - otherwise I can't see the benefit of using it? Can anyone shed some light on this. Thanks.
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Old October 31st, 2003, 05:51 AM   #188
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Frame mode gives the video a different look. Bruce Johnson of describes it as "thicker." You will only get a "jerky" look if you keep this footage in frames. When you output via AV or S-video out, it will look much smoother, but not as smooth as with footage shot in interlaced. Maybe someone else can answer your last question about DVD to TV viewing.
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Old October 31st, 2003, 06:32 AM   #189
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What do you mean by:

"... if you keep this footage in frames"
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Old October 31st, 2003, 08:31 AM   #190
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This is my view...

Frame mode is perfectly suited for people making independent films - for home video and other field related shootings it`s a big no- no.

Obviousely if you`re making a short film, or an independent feature you`ll plan it toroughly. Right ? You will be shooting in properly lit and very much controled enviroment. When shot profesionally (great lighting, skilled direction and camera work etc.) frame mode is a big help in achieving the "film look".

I`m always shooting in controlled enviroments and that`s the key. Like I said, don`t use it for hand held home video and dynamic field work.

With regards, Mike.
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Old October 31st, 2003, 08:59 AM   #191
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I'm making a short film (a creative piece of fiction - not handheld).

The thing is that the only difference I can see on my computer screen (in a FCE window which is only about 3 inches square in size) is that the Frame Mode has a slightly staccato effect. Would I notice an improvement on a TV screen - because at the moment when I watch Normal Mode footage it is perfectly smooth whereas the Frame Mode footage looks staccato so hence I'm currently favouring Normal Mode. Am I making an error in judgement with this viewpoint?
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Old October 31st, 2003, 10:34 AM   #192
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There are no "error in judgements" when it comes to "frame mode" it`s a matter of taste :)

Firstly, which GL are you using, one or two ? GL2 has more fluid "frame mode".

Stacatto effect usually appears when doing fast pans (or on very contrasty shots for example over exposed light moving in front of black background) - you should plan your shots and avoid such circumstances. Fast pans shouldn`t be a problem because you`re doing a short film, and I assume you`ll avoid these.

Now this is my opinion - frame mode looks extremely well when material is shot right. You have an instant "film look", ofcourse some color correction wouldn`t hurt, but that`s another story ;)

Experiment before you move into production, take a day or two to test frame mode in different circumstances.

And yes, it will look unimaginably better on TV and when projected - I`ve done quite a lot of shorts which were projected on a 4 meter screen in a large auditorium and it lookd sweeeet :) Add to the experience 5.1 surround ;)

Best regards.
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Old October 31st, 2003, 10:50 AM   #193
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Thanks again for the help and info.

I'm using an XM2. The staccato appears on movement - not just camera movement but movement of the subject within the frame. The faster and closer to the camera the movement the more noticeable the staccato effect is. The short I'm making requires quite a few close-up shots (with movement but no over-exposed light). So will it be fine on a TV or are these kind of shots not ideal for Frame Mode or am I just losing my mind?
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Old October 31st, 2003, 10:58 AM   #194
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My experience...

I`ve done all kinds of shots and all using frame mode ! From action (you have to be really carefull here, just like you would if you were using a film camera) to drama (and it looks gorgeous ;)). XM2, even better, that`s the one I`m using.

My observation is that it will look much, much better on TV (or projected). Once more, I cannot stress enough the importance of good lighting.

The reason why it looks more fluid when interlaced (normal mode) is clear - i assume you understand what term "interlaced" describes. Frame mode is the kind of motion you see in non-TV productions (and lately in better TV productions) - it`s rough, it`s raw and It`s a killer :) I`m biased here...

So when you shoot in frame mode your imaging device records 25 full frames (which is the main reason for using it), and while you shoot normal mode you get 50 interlaced frames which can be later deinterlaced but I still prefer the look of frame mode (again, I`m biased).
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Old October 31st, 2003, 11:24 AM   #195
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Your shutter speed can also influence the staccato look of your video. Do you know what your shutter speed was?
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