Manual . .? Anybody want 15dB ? at
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Canon GL Series DV Camcorders
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Old October 4th, 2004, 11:57 PM   #1
Old Boot
Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: London UK
Posts: 3,633
Manual . .? Anybody want 15dB ?

Try this experiment.

1/- Have your settings displayed on screen

2/- Fix WB - it will knock out that variable.

3/- Make sure you are in Auto .. not Easy mode . . but Auto

4/- Now, "Notched-down" to Manual - momentarily you will see - well I do - interim Gain "Number" settings flash past . . . I get 15dB - interesting eh?

Anybody wanting to have 15dB? It appears to be in there, but not accessible in the . . .er . . MANUAL settings . .

. . Which leads me onto thinking that is it possible for me to "fix" a recipe for settings and use THAT as a preset. If 15dB is lurking about can this be set as a Preset? When we set WB we are saying to the camera "This is what White is!" the camera then goes away and adjusts its various "colour" values so white is forced. Is there a way in doing the same way for presetting, settings? And then "calling" this back to use? This would offer some more controllability - even though via Auto?!? Hey Manual WB is a type of Auto, it does rely on the camera having a "preset" value of colours etc etc etc . .

The more I experiment the more questions I come up with.

What do you think people? Am I totally stupid here?

Graham Bernard is offline   Reply

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