need technical advice for instructional dance video at
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Canon GL Series DV Camcorders
Canon GL2, GL1 and PAL versions XM2, XM1.

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Old February 13th, 2008, 02:09 AM   #1
Major Player
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Toronto ON Canada
Posts: 731
need technical advice for instructional dance video

I will be shooting an instructional bellydance video which will be going to DVD. Here are "the knowns":

* the cam is a GL2
* all auto controls will be OFF ("manual or death," says I)
* lighting is a Lowel Omni/Tota mix
* the editing will be done in FCP 5.1.4
* the cameraman/editor will be drinking lots of scotch (single-malt. only.)

OK, that last one is mostly during the editing, not the shooting, eh. I am planning on a shutter-speed of 1/60. I am thinking that shooting in 60i is preferable to 30p, yes? Or is it? That's the sticky wicket. I want to make sure the motion is nice and fluid, not choppy, which is what makes me think of interlaced vs. "frame mode." But, what about going to DVD, am I going to hit any issues with my interlaced footage? Should I de-interlace in post?
Mike Barber
"I'm laughing to stop myself from screaming."
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