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Canon GL Series DV Camcorders
Canon GL2, GL1 and PAL versions XM2, XM1.

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Old October 16th, 2007, 04:14 AM   #1
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Millerstown PA
Posts: 4
GL2 Raw Footage

Hello, I am looking to see if anyone knows the best settings to use to get raw footage on my GL2. I would like to keep everything as customizable later as possible. I don't want to be stuck with unhappy results. For example, I know physical settings like focus ,shutter speed, aperture are all things that have to be done on the spot. But other things like white balancing, gain, sharpness, frame mode ... How should they be set to get the most unaltered video that can be changed in post production later? If this question already exists please point me to the Thread. Thanks for any input.
Benjamin McTernan is offline   Reply With Quote
Old October 16th, 2007, 05:41 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by Benjamin McTernan View Post
I would like to keep everything as customizable later as possible. I don't want to be stuck with unhappy results.
Yes, with you on that. What would be an "unhappy result"?

How about NOT doing a manual White Balance? Would that be unacceptable? How about leaving white balance on the auto setting?

Originally Posted by Benjamin McTernan View Post
For example, I know physical settings like focus ,shutter speed, aperture are all things that have to be done on the spot. But other things like white balancing, gain, sharpness, frame mode ... How should they be set to get the most unaltered video that can be changed in post production later?
See my questions regarding WB above. Under what circumstances would WB be needed to be left out? Do you think that the optimum factory setting for the camera IS what you want? You want to be happy with? If you are shooting without enough light and you don;t use gain - you think you will be happy? Is there enough dynamic leaving the GAIN out that you can lift it POST? There are posts on SHARPNESS - but again using and NOT using this might and might not make you happy? Frame mode is used often by our colleagues here. It gives a look, but you can't undo it. Likewise with all settings. Would you consider using the ND, to drop the light coming in? You can't under the ND?

Originally Posted by Benjamin McTernan View Post
But other things like white balancing, gain, sharpness, frame mode ... How should they be set to get the most unaltered video that can be changed in post production later?
I have a real problem understanding why you are picking on these functions. I use all the functions above so I CAN get something decent to act upon in post. I've learnt that my colour grading is depend on just how much quality DV I can capture on this tiny 1/4" CCD. This will mean White Balancing and using NDs.

I hope this helps?

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Old October 16th, 2007, 01:10 PM   #3
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Millerstown PA
Posts: 4
Graham the question I was asking was not worded well. I was not trying picking on any of the GL2 settings, I was just using really generic examples. I just sometimes change things in post production because I can see things differently on my Television or my LCD. Here is a good example. I have a scene where someone is walking through the woods. I want everything to stand out so I crank the sharpness way up. Later on when editing the movie I realize the sharpness look doesn't fit into the movie. Not because the sharpness doesn't look good, but simply my idea for the look of the movie changed and I want it to look not so sharp. Since I used full sharpness will it not look good to turn the sharpness down later in post, or will it make it make no difference? Maybe it makes it easier to adjust with full sharpness. I was just looking for neutral settings that can be changed one way or another later. I find that my GL2 shoots really well with the auto settings on, but I am going to shoot a movie and I wanted to do a lot of post production on. Thanks for the info. Sorry if I came across rude.

Last edited by Benjamin McTernan; October 16th, 2007 at 02:09 PM.
Benjamin McTernan is offline   Reply

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