Older FL and FD lenses - any use on Nikon or Canon EOS?
Have inherited/bought a collection of fd and fl lenses, in need of a body (could refurbish my T90, but frankly the idea of scanning film is unappealing), so been looking at the 5d (2&3) and the d800. As per today, have only seen cheap fotodiox adapters and edmika for the 55mm fl (and supertele's). If I could get these to work (including lovely 58mm fl 1.2, 135mm 2.5, 28mm 2.8, fixed f/4 70-210, and other cheaper ones), that would save a lot on glass.
Not too worried about moire and aa, as I don't shoot brick walls/fabrics, mostly the outdoors. 50/50 video/pics, for personal use.
Has anyone got these older breech-lock lenses to work on other than say sony mounts? Somehow going from my last decent camera (mamiya 645 super) to the nex5-n seems a bit of a let-down (albeit it looks like it has great video and colour)...and my pain limit is pretty much the d800 - no way the mark iii with no clean hdmi out unless onboard codec rocks for that price...want to be able to add next cheaper version of ninja on there...and I don't want to support purposefully crippling cameras...
cheers...ok got a bit off topic, but like many others disappointed with canon....been waiting since hv30 for clean hdmi in an hdslr...:(( not to mention lense obsolence, lack of focussing screens etc...